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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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I think everyone needs to calm down. I preordered in november and knew from the jump that i'd be lucky to get a day or two early access. That being said I know alot of you ordered way back in july. You guys need to remember that he game we have waited years for...is here. We should be happy. Taking days off from work to slack off. And generally in a GOOD mood. Me personally? I'm running a little star wars marathon in my place for the next couple of days. Even have the old christmas special which should tell you just how high my freak flag flies.


Deep calm breathes, the wait is almost over. Don't rage on the forums.


I'd just like this to be repeated, I won't be on for a couple days. Anyohne know if there has been more updates?

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How can i get tech support when the phones are down. Getting a Error code 7 and when i do a serch for it in the tech suppport section nothing comes up on the search. This is really frustrating. Posting my gripe here cause I cant figure out where else to do it. Get more phones for tech support an techs than you have for atleast the first two months of the game thanks.
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So I knew since I ordered that EGA was going to be staggered, but I honestly expected much larger waves, I mean hell they let in the Beta weekend in mass waves why not now.


I dunno id rather wait another full day for a new wave then little ones all day. Just my 2 cents.

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