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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Well, I'm going to add my small comment to the extreme amount of posters currently online. I can't even refresh pages fast enough to read this thread.


Either way.


I signed up for a forum account years ago in anticipation of TOR. Which allowed me to test the game earlier then most, which I appreciate.


After testing and seeing what the monthly costs would be I decided I wanted to pre-order, for one reason only. Early Game Access.


So in short, because I wasn't willing to blindly put money behind a game I knew almost nothing about, I have to wait for everyone else to gain access?


This defeats the purpose of early access for me. I'm now not leveling up, I'm falling behind, and I wanted to take this game seriously (In a fun way of course)


Now here I am, after 4 waves of invites have been sent out holding my ****


IMHO I've already lost any edge, and I'm really thinking about just shrugging off this game, cancel the pre-order and maybe come back in 6 months depending on how it does.


BioWare - You are being to cautious & you are pissing your customers off. I thought all this stress testing, and having pre-orders was to alleviate the 'all at once' login of a few hundred thousand people. Instead I feel like I'm back in highschool, and there is a security guard at the door of 7-11 at lunch hour only letting 3 of us in at one time.


I have to run to the mall tomorrow for an investment meeting at the bank, if I haven't gotten that invite by then, I'll cancel my pre-order and blow my 60ish bucks on something that doesn't waste my time.


If I'm really pissed off, maybe after I've cancelled & gotten my money back & still have early game access, I'll just troll your users. Should be good for some free entertainment.


Calm down and take a deep breath. You will get sometime before the game comes out, don't go cancelling your pre-order. You have week before the game comes out on the 20th if you have waited this long , you can wait a few more days.


I have been waiting for this game ever since i have seen the very first trailer 2-3 years ago and i pre-ordered on July 30th and i am still waiting. But i am not going to jump up and down and yell at the computer and cancel my pre-order because i did not get in. So again calm down and breath, and this goes for everyone that is posting nasty comment about not getting, before you know it you will be playing the game. Got to go going check my e-mail. LMAO!!!!!!!!! :D

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99% of the people complaining in this thread are the same people that would be complaining that Bioware should do something about the laggy servers and long queue times from having everyoen log into the game at the exact same time.


The fact is the authenticator server would have likely crashed had they said everyone can join the game at the exact same time. By staggering the pre-orders into waves you not only spread people out across the different game worlds (and hence reduce strain on the servers from having everyone clumped up on the same two planets to start) but you also keep the authentication server online which is what allows you to log-in in the first place.


Despite the logical decision that was made to stagger access into waves AND DESPITE THAT ALL OF THIS IS EXTRA FREE TIME THAT BIOWARE IS GIVING PEOPLE FOR NOTHING people still manage to find a way to cry about it.


Seriously, you aren't being charged for this day, nor any day up until the 20th. Bioware originally stated you would have 5 days of early access and people were stoaked about that. They raised it to 7 days, and people are ************ because they aren't getting the first 6 hours of the bonus 2 days on top of their bonus 5 days? **** already. If Bioware was like Blizzard you wouldn't be playing until the 20th, which is when the game ACTUALLY launches. This here is a "thank you" from Bioware to the playerbase and instead of appreciating that sentiment, you all have the nerve to complain about it.

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I relize that the prerelease started early. I also realease that we were never even promised that all of us would have five days. I can get over the crushing disappointment of waking up at 6am today and I will most likely not get in until thursday. My only reason to QQ is simply the fact that we are not even given an outline of how this will work. I am not asking for access now, I am not asking for you to crash the server bringing in the rest of us. Really a post that outlines the timeline for these waves would be wonderful. Yes Bioware wants to stay flexible, I read the Twitter post, but you cant tell me there isn't a rough outline of this wave process. There I am done QQ online, rl prepare for some serious tears.
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I tought i got a invitation, but no it was a email form my wife i quote:

This is not a invitation from Swtor but your wife telling you to stop refeshing the Email ! ..


I got something like that from my mail admins. - Stop spamming our mail server.


Oh and this has provided me with lots of fun reading today.

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