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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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I will admit that I am one of the people frustrated by how BioWare has handled this. I think the wave system makes sense, but I think they messed up the communication.


I wasn't expecting early access at this point (I did read the "up to 5 days" language) and was fairly pumped when I read the e-mail saying that it started today. The phrasing in the e-mails I received telling me about early access did not make it clear that it would be using a wave system, or that this wave system would result in people not getting access today. This is probably because that information was buried in the small text at the bottom of the e-mail rather than in the body of the text and I missed the presence of the asterisk the first time I read it.


I do not think it was unreasonable to take from the language in the body of the e-mail that early access beginning at 7:00 AM EST was universal. I myself was rather angry (having stayed up until 4 A.M. Pacific to have a chance to play) until I read my e-mails a little closer and realized this had been the plan all along.


I am somebody professionally accustomed to reading things fairly closely (though that skill seems to have been defeated by my enthusiasm in this instance). If I, and several otherwise intelligent people I know, were confused by the e-mail, I don't think that being upset can solely be traced to stupidity or a sense of entitlement.


The people who are saying that BioWare lied are overreacting. As are the people who think money is being taken from them when there wasn't any extra charge for a pre-order. Many of these folks have not conducted themselves well. However, I don't think it is fair to characterize people who are frustrated as stupid whingers who can't read and feel a sense of entitlement when there were some legitimate failures of communication. If the e-mail had stated in the body that "early access invites will begin going in waves on X date and continue until launch" or "some players may have early access as early as Date Y", I wouldn't have felt that I was jerked around.


As it was, I think BioWare botched the communication on early access and it is right that they are taking some heat for it. I'm still excited to play whenever I get the chance, and am grateful for any chance at early access, but I am disappointed and I don't like being called stupid for that.


Regardless, I can't wait until my number gets called. Have fun everyone! :D


TL;DR version - BioWare didn't communicate this a clearly as they should have and not everybody who mad about it is dumb.

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At least they are trying to keep us informed about the waves. I do not care when the waves hit I have my surf board and can do a lot until that right wave arrives. So until I can hang ten with those that are playing now I will just go off and surf somewhere else


How the **** are they keeping us informed ?

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3) This is an MMO game. We play MMOs to be able to play with friends. My friends are already in game. By the time i get in my friends will be level 20-30. Why you put me in the tough spot to ask em to wait for me? Why should i level up alone?



This 1000 times this, won't get more truth!

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