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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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A wave of cancellations would probably prompt a response.


If I’m not able to get in and set up my account the way I want it, names, etc., strictly because of this 'wave' system I'm just going to cancel. Too many people will cry till they get access but then be ok like giving a child a lollipop. Point is it’s kind of screwed up the way this launch is being handled and it only really benefits a select few.


I pre-ordered for the soul reason to be online and in game asap, if that is going to be played with I have no real desire to pay a company money, monthly, for this kind of non-consideration.


The ONLY people happy with this are people who purchased on the first week, and only because it makes them feel special, they have no general interest on if this is good overall, just if it’s good for them. For every one person who complains about people being pissed off, there are ten or twenty people behind him ******** over this.


It's clearly not being received well at all by the majority, they had their fun, it's time to let the people who pre-ordered in and stop drawing lines between the people who pre-ordered in July or the people who pre-ordered in September, its trivial seriously.

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yay for getting 1 night off in a week and excpecting an early game acces... wich is is a lie cause ur sending out waves.


I find this a terrible start its not a problem, but just tell us beforehand


we have a lot of sad waiting panda's now.


now i have to wait at least a week to get some spare time again

terrible informing of the community and your customers...


i would loose a lot of clients if i treated em like this




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fast growing thread for a reason



ppl are not happy with the state of the early access waves. Yes they are being childish but they are going to complain. This will keep going on until something is done


I am not one of those ppl i preorder the beginning of the month and i know i'll be in friday or saturday and i am ok with that.


Bioware is gonna have to respond to all these negative threads cause the negative will outweigh the positive in the end and i am truly worried about that

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I think everyone needs to calm down. I preordered in november and knew from the jump that i'd be lucky to get a day or two early access. That being said I know alot of you ordered way back in july. You guys need to remember that he game we have waited years for...is here. We should be happy. Taking days off from work to slack off. And generally in a GOOD mood. Me personally? I'm running a little star wars marathon in my place for the next couple of days. Even have the old christmas special which should tell you just how high my freak flag flies.


Deep calm breathes, the wait is almost over. Don't rage on the forums.

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You think yall have it bad. I only got my preorder code from gamestop yesterday. I realized they didn't give me one when I preordered.


So, I will literally be the last one to get in. :) But do I look like I'm freaking out? Chill guys.

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I know I wont get in anytime soon and am fine with that because I still have loads of Skyrim to play. My only gripe is that Bioware was advertising 'Up to 7 days' as recently as a few days ago when they and everyone else knew that getting in 7 days early was completely unattainable.
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Oh really! So if a restaurant can seat 100 people and there are 500 people waiting to get in. Everyone should be allowed to get in at the same time since you are all paying customers? Real world example of why your logic FAILS!



??? but that resturant has 5000 seats in the other section of the resturant they just dont want to seat anyone there yet.....your logic fails

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