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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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People are so ridiculous..seriously. They're doing this FOR YOU not for some incompetent, nefarious, or scam reason. Stupid.


People don't get what they didn't pay for (You paid for a 5 day head start..not 7) and they whine. They get a game that is 100% professional and way above and beyond all the others out there and they whine. They get a launch that is well planned and designed to prevent bottlenecking and bullrushing..and they whine. I bet they could get handed $100 on the street and whine because it wasn't $1,000.


Let's look back at other launches...you know..the ones where you crash or freeze up trying to patch up...can't log in due to waiting number 12,356 in line in the queue...disconnected and server taken down due to 'unforseen bugs'...exploits left in the game at launch meaning people from the first few days are MAX LEVEL in a few hours. I've seen some crap-tastic launches in my time and this is NOT one of them.


Seriously, you're dealing with a multi-million dollar company here. They KNOW what they're doing..and have done it well for YEARS. Calling them incompetent, scammers, or liars is a reflect on YOUR intelligence..not theirs.


Bunch of WHINERS.

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so they did 2 beta weekends yet couldnt get their servers up to spec to hold the expected pop?so they telling me they willing to alienate people even before launch?only 4 waves a day? are u saying going home at 3pm is more important than getting the faithful who spent extra to get the game early into the game?


as for me ill be happy long as i get early access on 15th.but what worries me is that this is showing they dont have good server capacity. also the lack of real commination is worrisome.


to me feels like they already off to a bad start if they infringing on promised early access like this and making us pay to stress test the servers.sigh already lost 4 buddies i met in the test weekends who are already fed up and getting their money back.hurry and get things running smooth only have 2 more buddies who plan to play left then wont have any freinds ingame once game launchs.

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What they should have done is people who get in first get xp pen and each wave reduced the pen bit by bit thus lowering the advantage the early early access got !


Really? If you are that competitive, stop playing a game and go earn some cash in the free market. Then you can create your own MMO and release it any way you see fit.


We'll all be here waiting for you... no really we will.:cool:

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Do Ihave this right?



Date Registered....Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch




Date Ordered.....Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order



No - they have no clue when you ordered it - the only info they have or care about is when you registered the code in your account.


That's the one that says pre-order.

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Hi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)

My name is.. [scratches] Sleeam Shaejdeie


Only thing that annoys me with not getting to play on the first day is that I'll be stuck with dumb names, since every single good name will be taken.


So what will be your names be, ye who wait?




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Also got ****ed over by gamestop not giving me a code for 1month. Only problem i have with waiting 2 days is that my friends that ordered online and got a code right away are already lvling. I can't possibly ask them to hold back and wait for me( from the amount of posts here you can get an idea of how badly people want to start playing)...Really wish they thought out that impact. I'll have to power lvl just to catch up to them so we can do flashpoints together. And that sucks because i really enjoyed lvling with a friend at low lvls at the beginning. I didn't buy an MMO to play alone, i got it to play with my friends. Not saying its the end of the world...just takes away from a chunk of the fun i could have had.
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I'm in, got in at the second wave. But i'm waiting for my friend, cuz we're gonna play toghether. Anyway, logged in to check how many players was on. Turns out theres a total of ~115 ppl online on Ahto City, a server wich is listed as Medium on server status. This is rather rediculous....
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People like you, do not think!!!!! Or read what is placed in front of you, you automaticly assume it is a scam with out knowing the facts. After the last week end testing it was stated, that pre-ordered people could start up - to 5 days early. But for you with the lack of faith and opening your mouth with out knowing the facts, you better have salt and pepper for your foot.


*note if you think this game is a scam or the pre-order tactics is a scam, i say to you mr. Qlimitas with draw your order cancel your account and play some other game, because we do not want some one like you to mess up the grand opening of a new game like star wars the old republic. Bioware, lucas arts & ea worked hard to make this game for star wars fans, show respect. Unless you can do better qlimitus in making a game and receive gamer of the year award 2 times in a row. Do not ever talk badly about this game unless you can do better. Do you read me......


OMG. Totally. Although to be honest, I'm kinda sad about all the nonsensical trolling I see on these forums. I should expect it, though, since I have played that Blizzard MMO that shall remain nameless. If *these* (as in Qlimitas types) are the kinds of players that I'll be sharing my galactical Force adventures with, I might just have to go on to something else.


In unrelated news, I can't wait till I get my access! And I understand that it won't be the second the pre-access game goes live :) Thank you Bio and EA for this game!

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Wow, so many people in this thread remind me of the girl form Willy Wonka and The Chocolate factory who whined through the whole story/movie. Also, I am amazed that there are so may spergers that every time I refresh page to see the last page in the thread,3 more pages sprout up. Don't think I have every seen that.


Yeah we do seem to have a bunch of Veruca Salt self entitled nerd ragers here, I have been laughing so hard I am almost in tears at some of the ridiculous posts, keep up the great comedy!

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