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Light and Dark Options... a little grey


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Okay not sure where this should go or even if many people care about it... or if this has been discussed millions of times before. Alot of the options in game seem to be very grey and if i want to go light or dark and see the options and think that's not right should i just go with the option i like or the option that will give me the LS or DS points?


There was quite a few but, since i just started a smuggler my example is in the quest with the medicine... So, i can save refugees LS or save soldiers that are (supposedly) protecting the refugees DS... Why is saving soldiers lives especially when they are near death according to the quest giver a dark side option... how is that Dark??

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I don't know how it helps you at the time you get that particular quest, but later on on Ord Mantell you learn that a fair number of the supposed "protectors" are rather corrupt themselves


also, it's dying orphans who have no hope for survival otherwise vs dying soldiers who have been trained for this kind of thing and should know what they were getting into



still not a pure "light vs dark" choice, but it's still something...



another idea is, because it's the tutorial planet, it's to help you decide what sort of character you want to build. later on there are quests that can give you light or no points, or dark or no points. my guess is that the reason they didn't do this here (having the choice to give it to the soldiers have no gain either way, a true grey choice) is because it's not as defining a development for an early character



or maybe I'm just overthinking it, and the idea of a one way/no way choice hadn't arisen at the time of making this particular quest...

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I've found a lot of these utterly retarded dialogue options.


I noticed the one mentioned here with the medical supplies, but the one I absolutely hated the most and still annoys me to this day was the option on my sith Juggernaut (not a story Q as far as I know) i got the coice between betraying the empire and not betraying the empire.


Now, of course, this could've been made an interesting dialogue option, but they didnt.


It went like this, "hey, **** about this i've just done (offed a bunch of civvies and made the empire troops life hell) and I will give you 10 credits."

So of course, had he offered me like 1290785383746 credits for betraying the empire and keeping his secret this would have been another story, but offering me 10 credits!?!?!?!? I take great offense to that. Had there been an option to kick his balls in and feed them to him I would have taken it, but nooo. Just lightside points for not betraying the empire and darkside for betraying the empire for the vast sum of 10 credits.


Whoever made the dialogue options didn't think too much about what he was doing..

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It gives you Dark Points because, if you followed the story line carefully, by this point you have already realized that the good people from the Republic's Army are not really protecting the refugees or anyone in that planet. Therefore, by returning the medicine to your fellow soldiers you are actually doing a bad thing because the refugees are being down right ignored by the republic and you are following suit.
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Yeah...Certain classes tend to shine light on certain scenarios in the war.

For Smugglers, the military types are a bunch of worthless [censored]'s.


"Just following orders" Yeah...What was that old saying about Men choosing and slave's obeying?

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