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Vanguard playstyle


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Heya longtime lurker first time poster here, I would just like to ask what the vanguard playstyle is like.


My Vanguard currently is lvl 11, and I find that the synergy between abilities feels a bit clunky, from shooting point blank and smacking enemies with my rifle to shooting lightening, combat doesn't seem to flow if you get what I mean (at least not as well as a melee force user), and I just want to know if this is what I can expect at higher lvls before I decide to shelf my trooper.



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mix of mellee and ranged abilities. most of the good stuff is mellee, while we still have full auto and the sticky grenade from ranged.


tank style you have 2 ways to stay on people, jet charge or harpoon pull.


There is no knockback, so expect to stay in the face of people in pvp.

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I'd suggest giving it a little time. You are only 1 level above the split between Commandos, which are ranged, and Vanguards, which are more melee oriented. As you get more abilities and talents, you specialize, the gap widens, and things feel less clunky.


In my opinion, we are the best of both worlds. We have range abilities that allow us to close on a target, or continue attacking even if we're snared or out of melee range. We are very mobile, and while we're most effective in melee range, we're very functional even a few yards out.

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Definitely give it some time. I do mostly PVP so this is where my perspective comes from.


By ~25 you start feeling good about your damage/utility. By ~35 it is huge fun and just gets better as you wind your way to 50. I did a Shield spec to around 30, switched to assault until 49, went back to SS for survivability at 50, then recently switched back to Assault once I had ~400 expertise.

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Thanks for the quick replies, your insights have been very helpful :)


Then general consensus seems to be to stick with it and things will get better as the lvls roll on by, I'll stay with my vanguard for now and see how things go from there.



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All of the VG abilities can be used in melee range but only a few can be used outside 10m. Hence in PVE I would consider us a melee class whereas in PvP it would be more of a melee with sessions of hammer shot/ion pulse kiting according to the class you're facing.


Like mentioned above you don't have anywhere near to the amount of abilities to gauge whether this class suits your liking or not. If you want an idea of the abilities and when you train them follow the below link.

Vanguard ability list


Also look at the trees for the lvl 20, 30 and 40 tree specific abilities and see if any catches your eye

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Heya longtime lurker first time poster here, I would just like to ask what the vanguard playstyle is like.


My Vanguard currently is lvl 11, and I find that the synergy between abilities feels a bit clunky, from shooting point blank and smacking enemies with my rifle to shooting lightening, combat doesn't seem to flow if you get what I mean (at least not as well as a melee force user), and I just want to know if this is what I can expect at higher lvls before I decide to shelf my trooper.




Well for PVE youl have to be in melee range of your target to do max dmg, since all of the 3 trees rely heavily on stockstrike in one way or another.


As a tank youl find yourself with mobs in your face all the time ofc no matter what class, but trooper have a nice toolbox and especialy the ranged tricks are sweet. making it a very controlling tank to pick up scattered mob packs.


Tactics tree, i havent really played that one yet. But from the looks of the tree its pretty melee heavy with some limited ranged abilities.


Assault, the most ranged tree of vanguard stil requires you to stockstrike and be in range of ion pulse.


Playstyle for pve is allmost like a regular melee clas, with a slightly bigger margin when you have to move. since you stil have ranged stuff that will still do moderate to good dmg.


Where i feel a vanguard really shines is in PVP. you can allready start your dmg from long range and keep up the fire while you move in on your target and really become nasty once you go toe to toe with them. And also your not completly gimped if that target manages to go outside your melee range since you still have enough ranged fireworks to finish them off or pull them back to you ;)

And exactly that you need to abuse when going up against pure melees. You can rip a marauder to bits as a assault vanguard for example, by simple staying in your 10m ion pulses range and outside of his melee range. only moving in melee range every stockstrike cd. Just run circles around the poor sod :)


So in short. As tank youl have a great tool box to control your pickups. As PVE dps youl play allmost like a normal melee class. But in PVP vanguard are very, very versatile :)

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