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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give us 1.2 as it is FAST !!! Too many players leaving the game !!!


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Just because people leave doesn't mean they won't come back when new content does appear. I've unsubed and later returned to City of Heroes 4 times, and to WoW 3 times, and I plan to give WoW a fourth shot soon.


Yeah, games that had stable server populations and still do. Catch my drift? ;)

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Those are exactly the type of customers that MMO's can't count on, and in no way the people they should be aiming towards.


Of course not. I'm just saying that there's no reason to see a drop in subscriptions as necessarily permanent and, therefore, decry the collapse of the game.

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Of course not. I'm just saying that there's no reason to see a drop in subscriptions as necessarily permanent and, therefore, decry the collapse of the game.


Normally I would say that's true, however, in this case they have a LOT of competition out there. It's not like they have the monopoly on MMO's, and if people leave chances are they have somewhere better to go. Just imagine if Bioware charged you 15$ a month to keep Mass Effect or Dragon Age and never added any significant amount of content, how crappy would that be? That seems to be SWTOR at the moment. A Bioware single player game that you're paying a monthly subscription for.

Edited by WickySticket
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Pfff enough with the overdramatizing already! How hard can it be for people to make sensible threads....honestly.


Yes OP they will release 1.2 faster because of your post. Because your guild is of vital importance to the game...yes, yes that is whats going to happen. Happy now? :rolleyes:

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Normally I would say that's true, however, in this case they have a LOT of competition out there. It's not like they have the monopoly on MMO's, and if people leave chances are they have somewhere better to go. Just imagine if Bioware charged you 15$ a month to keep Mass Effect or Dragon Age and never added any significant amount of content, how crappy would that be? That seems to be SWTOR at the moment. A Bioware single player game that you're paying a monthly subscription for.


Sorry did you seriously just try to suggest that bioware arnt heavily into developing the game.

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Pfff enough with the overdramatizing already! How hard can it be for people to make sensible threads....honestly.


Yes OP they will release 1.2 faster because of your post. Because your guild is of vital importance to the game...yes, yes that is whats going to happen. Happy now? :rolleyes:


How is that being over dramatic? Go check the server lists next time at peak hours and see how many of them say "HEAVY" or "FULL", chances are you won't. You don't need to have data directly from Bioware to be able to tell that server population is declining. Why people are leaving is speculation at this point, not the fact that server populations are declining.

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Isn't that what we all did when we payed $60 for the box/DC? Just sayin


yes thats true, and i totally understand where you are coming from, but no mmo is near perfect out the box, at least not any i have played...Just saying lets give it at least another month. hehe.

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Normally I would say that's true, however, in this case they have a LOT of competition out there. It's not like they have the monopoly on MMO's, and if people leave chances are they have somewhere better to go. Just imagine if Bioware charged you 15$ a month to keep Mass Effect or Dragon Age and never added any significant amount of content, how crappy would that be? That seems to be SWTOR at the moment. A Bioware single player game that you're paying a monthly subscription for.


Im sorry that doesnt feel like swtor at all.... swtor received more updates in a short amount of time then any other MMO probably. How can you say that they dont add new content when Only just after what 3 months?! you will have a new operation, a new flashpoint, ( another one) a nee Warzone. The legacy system( yeah it should have been in the begining) and alot of new features. You cant say they arent working on it, or that they dont have a plan to keep add new stuff for some time.

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Sorry did you seriously just try to suggest that bioware arnt heavily into developing the game.


I didn't say that they weren't trying, I just think they're in over their heads. Anything they do now could be too little too late considering the amount of competition they have. Diablo 3, Mists of Pandaria, a new Starcraft are all games on the horizon from a company that develops extremely addictive video games. There's just not enough to do right now, that's all.

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How is that being over dramatic? Go check the server lists next time at peak hours and see how many of them say "HEAVY" or "FULL", chances are you won't. You don't need to have data directly from Bioware to be able to tell that server population is declining. Why people are leaving is speculation at this point, not the fact that server populations are declining.


Oh it is not overdramatizing to suggest that the game will be empty and guilds will dissapear UNLESS they release 1.2 faster?

In the beginning the servers were full. But that was only for a month or so. I have not noticed a decline at all on the two servers I play. If the servers were declining that would mean that thousands of people are leaving. Do you truly believe that?

Maybe some servers are declining but that doesnt mean people are leaving the game on a massive scale. And thats a whole different discussion from the releasing 1.2 now!!!! one.

Edited by Gokkus
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Perception is a funny thing.


I'm playing on Kellian Jaro, one of the servers that has always been lower population wise according to the Status Server page since pre-order phase.


And yet, I have never seen so many more players on level 50 planets (relatively to Kellian Jaro) this week than before.


So I don't know what others can feel about on their respective server, but I see a lot more people around, and I have gotten a lot more opportunity to be in a party.


It could just be that the main base of players have just reached level 50 with their characters, explaining the sudden demography explosion around me in high level areas. And it might be temporary. But I have no way to know.


In the end, only Bioware knows what really is going on with their own global internal server statistics. All the rest is just player assumption from a narrow self-centered point of view during a limited playing time (unless you are a robot and play 24h/day on every server at the same time being able to make your own global statistics :p)


I agree 100% same way on my server, but everywhere else on the forums i see people talking about lower server populations. I agree that the main base has reached 50 and there is a demography explosion. Still lots of lower levels on my server yet to figure the game out.

Edited by Elderhound
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Im sorry that doesnt feel like swtor at all.... swtor received more updates in a short amount of time then any other MMO probably. How can you say that they dont add new content when Only just after what 3 months?! you will have a new operation, a new flashpoint, ( another one) a nee Warzone. The legacy system( yeah it should have been in the begining) and alot of new features. You cant say they arent working on it, or that they dont have a plan to keep add new stuff for some time.


That may be, but at the same time the amount of content that was available from day 1 was pretty lacking. If you're the type of person who likes to have one character and play the crap out of it there really isn't that much to do.

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How is that being over dramatic? Go check the server lists next time at peak hours and see how many of them say "HEAVY" or "FULL", chances are you won't. You don't need to have data directly from Bioware to be able to tell that server population is declining. Why people are leaving is speculation at this point, not the fact that server populations are declining.


you assume lack of server activity = loss of sub.


Lack of server activity is natural as people run out of content and wait for new content.


The game lacks timesinks such as fishing and crafting in other games serve to do this. They removed this grind from swtor and now people do not bother to log in unless they have something new.


Additionaly end level gear is too easy to get.. Once a player has full columi/rakata their incentive to play drops. They have a sense of completion


This game needs more time sinks. Legacy strives to fill this chasm giving alts as time sinks IMO

Edited by corbanite
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Oh it is not overdramatizing to suggest that the game will be empty and guilds will dissapear UNLESS they release 1.2 faster?

In the beginning the servers were full. But that was only for a month or so. I have not noticed a decline at all on the two servers I play. If the servers were declining that would mean that thousands of people are leaving. Do you truly believe that?

Maybe some servers are declining but that doesnt mean people are leaving the game on a massive scale. And thats a whole different discussion from the releasing 1.2 now!!!! one.


The consequences of not releasing 1.2 right away may have been somewhat of an overkill, but still, that doesn't take away from the fact that there are noticeably fewer people playing now than during release.

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I didn't say that they weren't trying, I just think they're in over their heads. Anything they do now could be too little too late considering the amount of competition they have. Diablo 3, Mists of Pandaria, a new Starcraft are all games on the horizon from a company that develops extremely addictive video games. There's just not enough to do right now, that's all.


No thats what you stated, and i dont see how they are over there heads, how much content have they added, how many fix's have they added, whats in the pipe for 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 which titbits about the later patchs was released on gamebreaker.


As for the company your talking about, they have had titan in pre production for nearly 6 years if not more and just fired the head team and main man in charge who was in charge of making vannilla wow. Ghostcrawler just came out and admitted he hates everything about cataclysm and they laid of 600 staff. they are giving stuff away hand over fist to try and keep and get people cos there bleeding so bad and that includes free lvl 80's and expantions.


They had to bribe peeps into paying a years subscription for a cash injection with giving away d3 and beta for mop.


So forgive me if i feel like standing behind Bioware, EA and Lucas arts and not Activision Blizzard.

Edited by Shingara
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you assume lack of server activity = loss of sub.


Lack of server activity is natural as people run out of content and wait for new content.


The game lacks timesinks such as fishing and crafting in other games serve to do this. They removed this grind from swtor and now people do not bother to log in unless they have something new.


Additionaly end level gear is too easy to get.. Once a player has full columi/rakata their incentive to play drops. They have a sense of completion


This game needs more time sinks. Legacy strives to fill this chasm giving alts as time sinks IMO


The daily quests really helped WoW in BC, I agree that they need more time sinks like that. They made levelling exceptionally fun compared to other MMO's and even other RPG's, it just loses too much momentum at 50. The 1.2 content looks really cool and unique, I think a lot of this complaining is simply impatience. My major concern is a decrease in server activity. I've noticed that it's getting harder and harder to find heroic groups on the lower level planets and that's a bummer because that's where I have the most fun.

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I didn't say that they weren't trying, I just think they're in over their heads. Anything they do now could be too little too late considering the amount of competition they have. Diablo 3, Mists of Pandaria, a new Starcraft are all games on the horizon from a company that develops extremely addictive video games. There's just not enough to do right now, that's all.

Competition is good and the genre badly needs it. imo.

There wont be any other phenom like wow anytime soon, so im not worried. Im not to worried about other games, as any game yet launched with a great hype arround it, it promises alot, and hopefull brings something diferent, but when the novelty vanish people wil feel bored as well. And will look for something else. It is how it goes. And diablo 3 isnt a MMO btw.


The daily quests really helped WoW in BC, I agree that they need more time sinks like that. They made levelling exceptionally fun compared to other MMO's and even other RPG's, it just loses too much momentum at 50. The 1.2 content looks really cool and unique, I think a lot of this complaining is simply impatience. My major concern is a decrease in server activity. I've noticed that it's getting harder and harder to find heroic groups on the lower level planets and that's a bummer because that's where I have the most fun.

well yeah they should merse soem servers there is so manny of them. On the other hand i know alot of people will come back to see how 1.2 is. So i recon a new influx of players again to the servers. It wont last, but if 1.2 is good enough it mightretain some of the players. Edited by Spartanik
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The consequences of not releasing 1.2 right away may have been somewhat of an overkill, but still, that doesn't take away from the fact that there are noticeably fewer people playing now than during release.


Of course there are. When SWTOR was just released some servers had 1 and a half hour waiting lines. You cant compare the first week with the situation now. From the posts on the forum I gather that it differs per server whether activity is actually declining over the past few months. Plus no one has been able to post a link to prove that subs are going down.

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No thats what you stated, and i dont see how they are over there heads, how much content have they added, how many fix's have they added, whats in the pipe for 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 which titbits about the later patchs was released on gamebreaker.


As for the company your talking about, they have had titan in pre production for nearly 6 years if not more and just fired the head team and main man in charge who was in charge of making vannilla wow. Ghostcrawler just came out and admitted he hates everything about cataclysm and they laid of 600 staff. they are giving stuff away hand over fist to try and keep and get people cos there bleeding so bad and that includes free lvl 80's and expantions.


They had to bribe peeps into paying a years subscription for a cash injection with giving away d3 and beta for mop.


So forgive me if i feel like standing behind Bioware, EA and Lucas arts and not Activision Blizzard.


I agree bro, I would much rather stand behind bioware/Lucas than Activision or Blizzard.

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No thats what you stated, and i dont see how they are over there heads, how much content have they added, how many fix's have they added, whats in the pipe for 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 which titbits about the later patchs was released on gamebreaker.


As for the company your talking about, they have had titan in pre production for nearly 6 years if not more and just fired the head team and main man in charge who was in charge of making vannilla wow. Ghostcrawler just came out and admitted he hates everything about cataclysm and they laid of 600 staff. they are giving stuff away hand over fist to try and keep and get people cos there bleeding so bad and that includes free lvl 80's and expantions.


They had to bribe peeps into paying a years subscription for a cash injection with giving away d3 and beta for mop.


So forgive me if i feel like standing behind Bioware, EA and Lucas arts and not Activision Blizzard.


Yeah, but they also have 7 years of nostalgia working for them. One of the biggest factors of MMO's is the social aspect of it. The friendships you form online really have a way of keeping you playing an MMO. Unless you started playing this game with friends I really doubt there was much time to meet people. It's really a domino effect, when one goes, others go.


Even with the laying off and throwing things left right and centre at people, they still have a very large subscription base, and, this is purely and assumption, I'm sure more than paid off the costs of producing WoW.


Bioware is a great company, I love all of their games and, I'm as biased as you can be since they were founded in my home province. However, there's a very good chance that this is just going to be another MMO that WoW overshadows while it's sitting on its throne.

Edited by WickySticket
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Competition is good and the genre badly needs it. imo.

There wont be any other phenom like wow anytime soon, so im not worried. Im not to worried about other games, as any game yet launched with a great hype arround it, it promises alot, and hopefull brings something diferent, but when the novelty vanish people wil feel bored as well. And will look for something else. It is how it goes. And diablo 3 isnt a MMO btw.


well yeah they should merse soem servers there is so manny of them. On the other hand i know alot of people will come back to see how 1.2 is. So i recon a new influx of players again to the servers. It wont last, but if 1.2 is good enough it mightretain some of the players.


I know it's not an MMO per say, but you can still play it online with your friends, the same friends that you could be playing this game with.

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Of course there are. When SWTOR was just released some servers had 1 and a half hour waiting lines. You cant compare the first week with the situation now. From the posts on the forum I gather that it differs per server whether activity is actually declining over the past few months. Plus no one has been able to post a link to prove that subs are going down.


I doubt anyone will be able to prove the subs are going down, they are just stating their observations that are loaded with their own biases. I play this game a lot, at least 5 hours a day, sometimes 24 + hours over the course of the weekend. I've been playing since the early invites, about 3 days after they were sent out. I've been playing on a high pop server that did have an hour or so wait time at the start. From then until now I've noticed a huge decrease in the number of people on the fleet and the starting planets. That's all the information I have available, and to me that makes it seem as though the server populations are declining and that seems to coincide with a few people's opinions here, so that's the stance I'm taking. I'm not going to say why that's happening or even for sure that it is, because I don't know for sure. All I can say is that there's not enough to do, and that sucks.

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Players are not leaving as fast as you think, OP.


1) Don't believe everything you read on the forums. The majority of the people that come here come to complain. That is the nature of an MMO's open forums. The people that are happily enjoying the game are... happily enjoying the game and could care less to read the complaints on the forums :)


2) If your server has seemed especially dead the past week or so go look for the missing people on the test server. BW asked for entire high level guilds to play for extended amounts of time on the test server in anticipation for the huge, game changing 1.2. Many answered the call.

Edited by Daxun
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