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1.2 War Hero Gear on PTS - Now requires BM gear :)


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I wasnt questioning the grind or the math... I was merely stating you CAN purchase them...


Trust me I know about the grind, I am at valor 62 grinding it out now for BM gear. I know its pointless with 1.2 but I am apparently in the minority of someone who appreciates the grind for things more instad of it being handed to you on a silver platter. Honestly, I think thats what allured me about PVP as I had zero interest in it before SWTOR. I wanted to have that sense of accomplishment instead of just feeling like I ran something 5 times and gear was tossed to me.


yes I know, I am the oddball for MMO players... Grind to me gave purpose and a goal.




** Edit - Derrrrrrrrr... someone give the Sith Sorc Columi hat for I R Dunce!!! I completely missed the fact he said purchase before 50 and talking about level not Valor, which is even more funny because that is level 60... blah... I R tarded.... SORRY... yall may laugh now... LOL.... Yes I admit my mistaked...


buttttt... you CAN get a BM chest before valor 60 and hold on to it... but still not a purchase...


Trust me, I know all about grind. I grind-ed my full BM gear before the 1.1 changes to Valor. Before, it actually took about 2x as long now. I liked it before, but now it's just pointless. Because I got all my gear and all burned out on the same old 3 WZs. I'm full BM and really no incentive to go on. Beating pugs with friends offer no sort of competition. I was excited about 1.2, but then it's another grind. Ranked Warzone now can be in the same match as Non-ranked Warzones. Just how I feel. But if you are dedicated and new, I am sure you will have fun. GL.

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the gear grind in this game is ridiculously horrid. its basically telling me not to pvp and just get geared through pve content and raids. columi geared easy mode style then rakata.


There is no gear grind in this game.


A week or two of casual play to get a full set of gear isnt even remotely a grind.

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Trust me, I know all about grind. I grind-ed my full BM gear before the 1.1 changes to Valor. Before, it actually took about 2x as long now. I liked it before, but now it's just pointless. Because I got all my gear and all burned out on the same old 3 WZs. I'm full BM and really no incentive to go on. Beating pugs with friends offer no sort of competition. I was excited about 1.2, but then it's another grind. Ranked Warzone now can be in the same match as Non-ranked Warzones. Just how I feel. But if you are dedicated and new, I am sure you will have fun. GL.


Give yourself purpose then... PUG the WZ with noobs or solo and help them beat the good players... Right now I am at that stage ackward adoloscent stage of pvp... Sometimes I am brilliant, and sometimes it seems like I get dropped liked a toilet seat.


The latter seems to come from premade groups and im usually puggin solo. For now. :)

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Trust me, I know all about grind. I grind-ed my full BM gear before the 1.1 changes to Valor. Before, it actually took about 2x as long now. I liked it before, but now it's just pointless. Because I got all my gear and all burned out on the same old 3 WZs. I'm full BM and really no incentive to go on. Beating pugs with friends offer no sort of competition. I was excited about 1.2, but then it's another grind. Ranked Warzone now can be in the same match as Non-ranked Warzones. Just how I feel. But if you are dedicated and new, I am sure you will have fun. GL.


Is this your first MMO? Everything new that comes out is a freaking grind. There is pretty much a grind in every game. Even FPS have grinds nowadays. This is how game companies keep people playing.

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Sooo...I am Valor rank 58, with a mix of Champ/Cent gear. I will be BattleMaster rank in about 2 more days, and will probably (hopefully) have a few pieces of BM gear (maybe 1-2) by Friday.

What the hell should I do? Should I just collect 1000 WZ commendations? There is no way I can get full BM in the next few days, and after the patch goes live, all of my Cent/Champ gear (which I earned in the last 4 days) becomes obsolete?? And THEN... I have to regrind for better gear, or just "buy" the new recruit stuff?


Am I understanding all of this correctly? Because the changes to my Sniper class, combined with the new PvP gear changes, may force me to unsub. I can not even play my Alt (a 34 Merc) because the quest with the chief engineer is bugged and I have reset it 3 times, each time having to fleet pass out to reset it, only to return to the same result.


It's simply too much of a blow to the hard work I have put in. I was on Spring Break last week and I went from no Valor to Valor 58 in less than a week...That's a lot of PvP playtime, especially for a no geared Sniper who got ABSOLUTELY owned for the first 2 days of turning 50.


I am more upset than I can possibly explain. Completely unfair. Thanks a lot BW---what a fantastic way to reward your customers who actually play your game the way it was originally created. I'm actually being penalized for spending time playing your game...and I'm actually "paying" for the ****** treatment as well.


What a shame....I expected much better from a company such as this.

Edited by Stellin
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What some of you forget: if you modded your bm gear and threw away the sometimes useless accurracy mods, then you won´t get your bm gear upgraded. (See latest dev q&a).:confused:


If this is the case I won't be subbing another month. That is flat out ridiculous. I will not grind bm for a second time, I would hope bioware would not punish me for changing mods when they are moddable.

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