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Sever Downtimes outside of weekly maintainence are driving me insane.


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Stop taking servers down several times a week. its friday evening here in australia. its been a long week, I play to relax and because i enjoy it.


I have two accounts, i have 250+ days game credit on this account , and 100 days game cred on the other. . i love this game, its fun. but man is it frustrating when you bring down servers at hours when I (and many others) get to play.


My money is just as good as the American consumers (actualy its better,costs me less to play) . stop uploading flawed content. stop patching after you have "fixed" things. if your going to do maintaince weekly. DO IT WEEKLY, dont make content live if its terrible and needs to be fixed several times.


I last night downloaded the public test server client , and im going to contribute so I can help stop this garbage interference several times a week. its bad business.


I dont even get to qq about the game, BECAUSE I CANT even play the darn thing.


its not rocket science. think about it.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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Stop taking servers down several times a week. its friday evening here in australia. its been a long week, I play to relax and because i enjoy it.


I have two accounts, i have 250+ days game credit on this account , and 100 days game cred on the other. . i love this game, its fun. but man is it frustrating when you bring down servers at hours when I (and many others) get to play.


My money is just as good as the American consumers (actualy its better,costs me less to play) . stop uploading flawed content. stop patching after you have "fixed" things. if your going to do maintaince weekly. DO IT WEEKLY, dont make content live if its terrible and needs to be fixed several times.


I last night downloaded the public test server client , and im going to contribute so I can help stop this garbage interference several times a week. its bad business.


I dont even get to qq about the game, BECAUSE I CANT even play the darn thing.


its not rocket science. think about it.


Stop complaining.



I just went upstairs and grabbed my iPod to use my security key and then found out that servers were down when I was ready and wanting to play. But life goes on, go do something else for the next few hours. Watch a movie, take a nap, play a couple matches of LoL.

Edited by AMKSED
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They need to bring the servers down for us paying customers, so that the people that didn't pay for the game can play it over the next weekend. I was just about to finally get a ship on my alt and bam! Server maintainance! :D



Edited by Rogoo
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Stop complaining.



I just went upstairs and grabbed my iPod to use my security key and then found out that servers were down when I was ready and wanting to play. But life goes on, go do something else for the next few hours. Watch a movie, take a nap, play a couple matches of LoL.


Im a paying customer, im allowed to complain.

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They need to bring the servers down for us paying customers, so that the people that didn't pay for the game can play it over the next weekend. I was just about to finally get a ship on my alt and bam! Server maintainance! :D




its like they just want to get as many hamsters in the wheel as possible, and let the ones already in the wheel get trampled underfoot. it rubs me up the wrong way.

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Love that we have Oceanic Servers but do we have to have US downtime ??


and yes coming home after work on a friday , this is very annoying to Australian customers..... :mad:

Edited by pdart
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ignorance must be bliss in Australia. ... actually it must be bliss anywhere you live... the servers go down all around the world.. not just where you live... plus why the hell are you complaining man... those developers.. who get paid the money from our subscriptions are up till 5-6 am (US time) doing the patches to improve upon the game.... fyi.. the game has been out for how many months now? get over it.. do what the others suggested... sleep,, movie.... go see some bloody sun shine..


some of these nerds we encounter need to get a bloody life.

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ignorance must be bliss in Australia. ... actually it must be bliss anywhere you live... the servers go down all around the world.. not just where you live... plus why the hell are you complaining man... those developers.. who get paid the money from our subscriptions are up till 5-6 am (US time) doing the patches to improve upon the game.... fyi.. the game has been out for how many months now? get over it.. do what the others suggested... sleep,, movie.... go see some bloody sun shine..


some of these nerds we encounter need to get a bloody life.


Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You are telling somebody in Australia that he should be thankful somebody stays up late in America to do their job, when in fact if that American did his job in normal American office hours it would suit the Australian better?

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I can cope with the server downtime in Australian prime time - although very annoying when I'd been looking forward ALL week to coming home and being able to relax and play SWTOR until late and not have to get up for work the next day!


What annoys me is the description as "scheduled" maintenance. This is UNSCHEDULED. "Scheduled" would imply some sort of advance notice to customers.

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ok how about i word what i said a little differently.... how many Americans/Canadians are there... how many Australasians are there? ... where is the money coming from? thats quite funny actually... prox 22m aus, 34m can, 311us.... ya stop complaining..
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Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You are telling somebody in Australia that he should be thankful somebody stays up late in America to do their job, when in fact if that American did his job in normal American office hours it would suit the Australian better?


What are you talking about, then american players wouldn't get to play at times convenient to them.




But seriously, I agree with you. I'd prefer if they varied the time so sometimes it was when I was asleep or at work.

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What annoys me is the description as "scheduled" maintenance. This is UNSCHEDULED. "Scheduled" would imply some sort of advance notice to customers.



i may be trolling right now... but what? its as scheduled as it could possibly be... same time.... same day every week... since launch...

Edited by yeechester
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ok how about i word what i said a little differently.... how many Americans/Canadians are there... how many Australasians are there? ... where is the money coming from? thats quite funny actually... prox 22m aus, 34m can, 311us.... ya stop complaining..


i live in the US i'm with the aussies on this one



if they can't bring the servers down in groups then something needs to be done about taking the servers down at the same time of day every time they come down

rotate the down time patch to patch (and no not at US prime time i'd hate to see the QQ treads)

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umm ADMINS might wanna change the Australian time zone up time . currently the servers are coming back at 10 AM AEDT . Twitter wins with 10 PM AEDT .


i knew twitter was good for something :rolleyes:

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ignorance must be bliss in Australia. ... actually it must be bliss anywhere you live... the servers go down all around the world.. not just where you live... plus why the hell are you complaining man... those developers.. who get paid the money from our subscriptions are up till 5-6 am (US time) doing the patches to improve upon the game.... fyi.. the game has been out for how many months now? get over it.. do what the others suggested... sleep,, movie.... go see some bloody sun shine..


some of these nerds we encounter need to get a bloody life.


the issue isnt the servers going down, the issue is the time they go down. i know why maintaince is done. I know why patches are done. I question the logic of taking servers down during prime playing time of a certain group of consumers (when a more appropriate time could have been worked out). I work full time I have a family, and do many other things. if I wish to invest some time into a product thats constantly not there in hours when it should be, why dont I have a right to be annoyed?


Im paying for it.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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Wow, really? You're whining about maintenance and attempts to fix things? That's seriously pathetic. They're actually working on fixing the game and you're whining about it. One of the few things they do right and you're upset. Grow up dude.


Im whining about time they do these things not the action itself. Was I not clear?

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The scheduled maint is usually on a Tuesday - and clicking on the 'patch notes' redirects one to the post from Tuesday 3/20...not tonight. I don't have a problem with a schedule, but this UNscheduled patch is an annoyance. I just hope its back up earlier than projected....
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ok how about i word what i said a little differently.... how many Americans/Canadians are there... how many Australasians are there? ... where is the money coming from? thats quite funny actually... prox 22m aus, 34m can, 311us.... ya stop complaining..


having less people in a nation doesnt mean they should be treated any differently. they both pay for a service, they both want it provided. there needs to be a well thought out compromise. thats all we want

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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1.1.5c Patch Notes




Made further adjustments to prevent incorrect access for Weekend Pass players.


1.1.5b Patch Notes




Corrected an issue allowing incorrect access for Weekend Pass players.


So is this going to be a new weekly down time ? if so can you add the info you patch on Tuesday morning to the new Friday morning scheduled maintenance

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Stop taking servers down several times a week. its friday evening here in australia. its been a long week, I play to relax and because i enjoy it.


I have two accounts, i have 250+ days game credit on this account , and 100 days game cred on the other. . i love this game, its fun. but man is it frustrating when you bring down servers at hours when I (and many others) get to play.


My money is just as good as the American consumers (actualy its better,costs me less to play) . stop uploading flawed content. stop patching after you have "fixed" things. if your going to do maintaince weekly. DO IT WEEKLY, dont make content live if its terrible and needs to be fixed several times.


I last night downloaded the public test server client , and im going to contribute so I can help stop this garbage interference several times a week. its bad business.


I dont even get to qq about the game, BECAUSE I CANT even play the darn thing.


its not rocket science. think about it.


You obviously never played WoW when it first came out. Servers went down for days at a time with absolutely no warning at all and even less of an explanation as to why afterwards. You have no idea how good you got it with this game, man.

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ok how about i word what i said a little differently.... how many Americans/Canadians are there... how many Australasians are there? ... where is the money coming from? thats quite funny actually... prox 22m aus, 34m can, 311us.... ya stop complaining..


730m in Europe so whats your point? As a paying customer his money is just as good as mine or your's and i'm not happy about servers downtime either.

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i just have to add this topic is rediculous. most of us work full time, most take care of our family and we are all paying customers, id rather see the server go down for maintence than it never go down, its SCHEDULED, work with it . now i shall go sit and eat my popcorn as the flames build :D
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