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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Powertech Offtanking (with IronFist?)

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Question: Going into 1.2... What powertech build + armor set would achieve the following for Hard Mode Operations?

1) Fitting for an offtank (Jarg/Sorno, cannons at beginning of EV, holding boss when MT goes down)

2) Maximum DPS in off tank spec

3) Ability to be main tank for Hard Mode Flashpoints, Normal Operations, possibly MT for HM Ops too.

My situation:

I put my money in IronFist. But I did not make any of the PvE spec modifications because I still PvP a lot.

I have tried 4set bonus for Rakata Combat Tech and Supercommando.

I have tried 4set bonus for Champion Combat Tech (for really nice crit %) but I get **** from this PvE Guild for wearing since it's not Rakata/Columni.

I did not take Eliminator set (even though I know the heat savings looks useful) because I want either more survivability or more flat-out dps.

I have not ruled out that my dps rotation or heat management could use tuning. I can't wait for training dummies!

When we face off in EV Infernal Council I am always paired vs a Juggernaut in the back. Hard to tell but I think I finish 5th-6th and I lose some dps due to heat build up. But they always go down before enrage timer.

I never switch out of Ion Cell. I switch set bonuses around between tanking and dps. Lately I have been avoiding PvP Combat Tech instead of insisting it's better DPS because I can't easily prove it.


I looked into Carolina Parakeet (R.I.P.) but everyone seemed to agree it is horrible for durability.

In 1.2 Developers have edited our trees to avoid off tanks working well in Pyro tree. So... this is a timely question I hope.

The other option is nearly pure pyro but that would be worse than CP for survivability.

When I have done hard mode flashpoints in pvp combat tech my healers have complained I'm much harder to heal vs Rakata SuperCommando

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Parakeet was the perfect casual tank/off tank spec. First of all, you could have filled the role of dps and put decent damage in CGC. Then when tanking was needed you just switched IGC and put on a shield. If you needed to be an offtank you can remain in IGC and still do decent damage. I tanked all HMs in Parakeet and dps gear, and offtanked Ops easily with it.


For off-tanking, unlike Parakeet, the Iron Fist spec doesnt really work. It's fine for tanking, but not offtanking. The reason is it requires you to be in IGC all the time. So if you are in Iron fist and not tanking you will have some serious Heat management issues, because your shield is not proccing. With Parakeet, PPA procs managed your heat whether you were in IGC or CGC. Obviously that is changing in 1.2


I would have to say that post 1.2 a 31/8/2 is your best bet at tanking and off-tanking. For straight out tanking, Columi supercommando is good for HM ops. For offtanking I would even consider BM supercommando dps modded.

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only done a few HM as offtank, but have managed to pick up a mix of supercommando gear (tionese to rekatta and a couple of pvp supercommando bits - earpiece and wep iirc.


I basically just switch to ion cell and a shield and go for it. I have a couple of absorb increase implants I use as o/s buttons as well as shield and carbonize (trash).


I'm full pyrotech dps specced and by just switching out gear have no probs in HM's. Nightmare would be different story i'd assume.


So I wouldn't worry too much about spec as an OT, just make sure the guild knows a reasonable tank set will allow you to OT better. Just switch gear when you have to OT. There is no real one set for all situations sadly.

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