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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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Yes, because obviously everyone who plays this game has no job, no real life commitments, and can otherwise play at any time.


Lol yeah if only! I'd love to sit around and play this game. But sadly I have a 3rd shift job (which is why I can't play, it's 2am here), I go to a bjj/mauy thai school, and I have rent due. Other than that, no I don't have a life, this game is my girlfriend damn it! lol

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TY for being a voice of reason--again I get home at 2AM CDT, I already lose every Tuesday...I'm going to lose today too because of and for something that should have been done on Tuesday while the system was already down? Also I should have a Coke, a smile and S.T.F.U. instead of venting my displeasure over this?




That would be true if we didn't work or sleep or do anything else. The issue that is failing to be grasped by a great many of you is that some people who enjoy playing this game have a limited set time they can play and the maintenance time takes that same time out of the same peoples play time every single time it happens.
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I'm not going to read the whole thread so apologies if this has been said. I can think of one good reason that having different patch times for time zones wouldn't work ... remember those server ques back in early access? I for one would probably role an Empire toon in a different time zone.
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TY for being a voice of reason--again I get home at 2AM CDT, I already lose every Tuesday...I'm going to lose today too because of and for something that should have been done on Tuesday while the system was already down? Also I should have a Coke, a smile and S.T.F.U. instead of venting my displeasure over this?


Sound point :o

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That would be true if we didn't work or sleep or do anything else. The issue that is failing to be grasped by a great many of you is that some people who enjoy playing this game have a limited set time they can play and the maintenance time takes that same time out of the same peoples play time every single time it happens.


Completely understood which is why I didn't stop there.



Yes, because obviously everyone who plays this game has no job, no real life commitments, and can otherwise play at any time.


Again, which is why my post did not stop there. I have responsibilities as well, but I am not going to nitpick at every maintenance they do during my time, because hey, there is always another day. There are also other games to play. Like I said, you being an individual should make the choice whether to continue dealing with all this hoopla or you move on to greater pastures. I know I wrote a lot but I was not sticking to that one point.



I love these "it's your own fault" posts :)


If we don't like it we know what to do ?


I'm not saying it's anyone fault at all. Not one bit, I am just stating that we have a choice as individuals to make if whether we want to continue to deal with something we are so unhappy about. Raising your fists in the air and stomping at BioWare won't make much difference. As adults with responsibilities who are also fond of games, we choose what games are really worth spending what little time we have to enjoy. If you feel your time is being wasted than you can choose to move on. Nothing rude about that.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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As annoying as it is they are fixing exploits so that people don't take advantage and damage the game.


If exploits are just left it could cause more damage to all players. Look at it as helping secure the game you play.


how about they don't have a free weekend pass before they have a working game...i paid 60 + bux so that a game could (for the last two and now potentially 3) fix **** for free players they are gambling will then pay like the rest of us and play?


that's bull **** .. ok? end of story how about stop fixing **** for people who might not ever come back and stop being **** ups instead fix **** and not be lazy and fix **** for us ...


im appologizing for my drunkeness but seriously the more i read and look for whatthis newest patch brings us to help the already paying customers the more realized i become of how the are actually just asking us to cut down the red wood trree and then bend over the wall lube up and ask them for to put that big giant tree into our backs...


cause they are wasting our patches on free to play **** ... what is this dc online?


im thinking it is ...


but yea...why don't they start patching more **** ill take longer larger downloads if it means better game play...they have to be doign more than simply fixing f2p stuff when i swear every oatch my game runs a little more wonky...


maybe we are all just hamsters in their maze looking for the cheese which we thought was gonna be a fresh garden salad and then they asked us to toss it for them..


seriously tho bioware why you hate us so much?

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how about they don't have a free weekend pass before they have a working game...i paid 60 + bux so that a game could (for the last two and now potentially 3) fix **** for free players they are gambling will then pay like the rest of us and play?


that's bull **** .. ok? end of story how about stop fixing **** for people who might not ever come back and stop being **** ups instead fix **** and not be lazy and fix **** for us ...


im appologizing for my drunkeness but seriously the more i read and look for whatthis newest patch brings us to help the already paying customers the more realized i become of how the are actually just asking us to cut down the red wood trree and then bend over the wall lube up and ask them for to put that big giant tree into our backs...


cause they are wasting our patches on free to play **** ... what is this dc online?


im thinking it is ...


but yea...why don't they start patching more **** ill take longer larger downloads if it means better game play...they have to be doign more than simply fixing f2p stuff when i swear every oatch my game runs a little more wonky...


maybe we are all just hamsters in their maze looking for the cheese which we thought was gonna be a fresh garden salad and then they asked us to toss it for them..


seriously tho bioware why you hate us so much?



Lol, I agree, yes yes and yes

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Seriously...are there people paid by Bioware to sit in these forums and defend this crap? How can anyone who pays be happy about it...and then check the forums and post to defend it? I love the people that say, 'Oh I've known about it for 12 hours!' Get a job! If you purchased ANYTHING else that only worked 60% of the time you tried to use it, you'd get your money back. Aussies who have JOBS can't sit at the computer and play all day everyday, we have windows, this game often doesn't 'work' during those windows so I'll take my money back thanks EB. How do you reckon that'll go?


I don't think anyone is "happy" about it. Difference is some people aren't running around in circles screaming about it. It's an MMO. Stuff like this happens in MMOs. Fun? Good? No. But having hysterics about it just doesn't accomplish anything.


And, for the record, regular maint. and these little Friday things of late are in my best gaming time too.

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Sad to see the usual posts about just play during the other hours when the servers are not offline but some of us have other commitments/hobbies/families/jobs/etc and don't have the option to reschedule our free time to match the online time.


I get home from work, hoping to relax and play a game I paid for. Kinda silly that the worst aspect of this game has nothing to do with the game and more the fact I can't even play it during my limited free time.


If this keeps going then I may as well play/pay for something else, I really only have 2-3 weekday nights to play.

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You asked for it! So the Opinions are:


7. FACT: Customers that pay the same fee (or even more) expect to get the same service (or even more).


Opinion because not all customers expect this.


8. FACT: Ignorance leads to "what? you're crying for a measly 4 hours" replies.


9. FACT: Stupidity leads to not being able to discern between those 4 "measly hours" and 4 hours of prime time.


10. FACT: Both ignorance and stupidity are infinite...


These are not facts at all, there is no defenite proof that stupidy nor ignorance lead to these things. furtheremore: both are prooven not to be infinite because the amount of people to be ignorant or stupid are finite.


13. FACT: If the role would be reversed you'd realize just how much of a difference in civilization and decency exist between NA and "the rest of the world" simply because most people would support and agree with you for being upset over not receiving the same level of "highest quality of service" as the Europeans or AU&NZ customers would, instead of sending you to "get laid" during the time you pay for.


This is an opinion as the situation of it being reversed does not exist so there is no defenite proof of your assertion. Especially the decency argument is completely biased and bull.. I have met Aussies and live with Europeans that are way more horrible persons than some Americans I met.


16. FACT: European customers as well as AU&NZ customers pay (sometimes even more than the NA customers) for a service that is preferential towards the NA customers. At least have the decency (if not the required intellect) to acknowledge that.


Started off good there, untill the decency/intellect comment put this fact into the realm of opinion.


18. FACT: Although it might seem silly and childish for you, a lot of AU&NZ will leave because of this.


Opinion, a lot of AU&NZ will leave this game, that is a fact because a lot of people come and go to any game. That they leave because of this is not prooven and therefore not fact though.


19. FACT: You really don't want people to leave. You'd better pray instead for lots and lots of customers.


Opinion because prayer has never prooven to bring customers.


20. FACT: The servers are being brought down for "maintenance" because of "measly" patches while some of the big problems yet remain unsolved, either that or they have a poor understanding of what "patch notes" mean.


Measly is a classification of opinion, the fact is they are patches and patch notes, not measly patches and 'patch notes'


21. FACT: ..."get a life", "go get laid or somethin'", "there's lots to do in the meantime", "they do it because they're Americans", "get used to it", "shush" and so many of those replies i'm always disgusted to see should give you a hint about why people regard Americans as they do... This is both a fact and an advice...


You actually state it as fact, yet say you are personally disgusted and clearly making it an opinion. Then again, you alone know if you having an opinion is a fact, so I will give this a half-fact.


So: that is 9,5 non facts in a 21 'facts' list.. yeah..

Edited by Devlonir
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I just bought this game monday. I think I started at a bad time :p. Already 2 big maintanances and I havent got that much playtime anyway... Even Age of Conan had a better start for me.


no. it's much better now than it was :)


Honest !!!

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1:55 AM CST "The servers will be coming down for 4 hours in 5 minutes for maintenance; please find somewhere safe."


2:00 - 6:00 AM CST "Gawd blammit. All the friffin time with the patches during my play time".


6:00 AM CST "The servers are now available for play".


6:00 AM CST "I think I'll go to bed now".

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I love how they claim it is "scheduled maintenance" when there was absolutely no forewarning on this site or twitter. They need to get the word out sooner to players. I was in an instance when the message came up trying to get my daily hard mode done. We were only 1 boss in. We rushed through but were unable to finish before the shutdown...


There was forewarning. I saw it yesterday. I'm told it was also noted on the launcher but that must've been either after I was logged in or went to bed.

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Sad to see the usual posts about just play during the other hours when the servers are not offline but some of us have other commitments/hobbies/families/jobs/etc and don't have the option to reschedule our free time to match the online time.


I get home from work, hoping to relax and play a game I paid for. Kinda silly that the worst aspect of this game has nothing to do with the game and more the fact I can't even play it during my limited free time.


If this keeps going then I may as well play/pay for something else, I really only have 2-3 weekday nights to play.


Is this normal for a MMO? This is my first (save for Runescape), so I don't know if this is normal to not be able to play a game you pay for. I mean hell, I'm paying them money to do these updates on my nights off, and I can't play the game? Hmm...

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