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Shadow Fist Commander Frustrations


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or, since your class has range, just kite him, toss a missile and run around a corner, repeat! it's the melee that need to do all that stun/medpac stuff...


Running around a corner instigates evading which he gets his FULL HP while my armor and hp CONTINUE to suffer!!!!! Again total BS!!

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Problem is, when you stun,, it flashes green numbers representing healing if I remember. Also, if you attack while he is stunned, he attacks immediately....


Thats not a stun, thats you crowd control technique and yes they heal quickly while CC'd and damage breaks it, I would only use that if you are about to die and need a chance to break off, heal up and re-evaluate your tactics.

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Problem is, when you stun,, it flashes green numbers representing healing if I remember. Also, if you attack while he is stunned, he attacks immediately....


by stun, they mean cryo grenade, not concussive round.




concussive round is only something you should use at the beginning of a fight to kill a boss (so the heals affect an already fully-healed enemy) while you kill the additionals

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What I have been doing:


1) mortar volley

2) full auto fire

3) pulse cannon

4) Explosive rounds

5) repeat as needed....


I dont know if you are DPS or heals or what companion you are using. One trick I would do on really hard mobs would be to basically sacrifice my companion on it. Let the companion get and hold aggro while you dps in slowly and when the companion gets low on health, ramp up the DPS and either try to pull aggro off him or at least get the boss to near dead before the companion dies. It has been awhile since I ran that mission, do you have M1-4X yet? If so he works great for laying the beat-down and since he holds aggro good, you can really ramp up the DPS early. Also, if the mob is melee, keep it at range, if it is ranged, either stun or get out of line of sight when it starts channeling high damage abilities.

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This is toooo much!!! He cancels out my attacks AND kills my bot companion!!!! ***!?!?!? Oh and another thing, my arnor is being torn while his is pristine...W T F???:mad:


I feel for you but I just don't remember him being anything special. He dropped like a sack of potato's.


Is you gear up to date? Your companions?


Do you have all your skills up to date?


Do you have med-packs for any emergencies?


Are you DPS or Medic Specced?


Which Companion are you using?


I can't remember if the commander is melee or ranged so, which is he?

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Has been mentioned before .......


I tried him after I just hit lvl 24 with M1-4X - smashed me. Tried a few times with Elara and got him to 20%.


Did some reading up and went back:

He is waiting on the right side of the hall, before him on the left side is a machine you clicked earlier. There are 2 beam controls near it, 1 going across the hall, the other along the left side toward the machine. I turned both of these back on and got in the niche between the control & the machine, faced Commander, walked out to range & shot him then immediately back-pedalled into the niche. The Commander jumps all over the place and mainly fries himself on the beams while I was going through my standard rotation - no major healing required and he was quickly dead.


It is important to kill him as that opens up 2 new worlds for questing. Good Luck.

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