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Pvp Merc Pyrotech


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Yesterday I respecced from aresenal to pyrotech and watched my avg dmg at the end of the game go from about 200-300k to about 275-350k. I got more kills, less deaths. (Less deaths as its a different play style.) I like the pyrotech tree. I'm not a stationary target and huttball is ezmode now. No LOS issues. However, need help overcoming a few obstacles. On maps like voidstar, civilwar, the pub teams always have 3-4 healers covering each other with about 2-3 tanks and 1 lousy dps. Just seems to be what pubs do on Krath. What strategies should I try to overcome massive heals?


>.< Tried knocking 1 healer away from the group and stunning while DOTs and burst took down shield. By the time I get them to 1/4 health... stun wears off magically, I get stunned and they run back to the hippie healer drum circle.


This one I tried and I like. I find a large group and throw Fusion Missle on them lighting them up. Follow that up with Death from Above and Sweeping shotsx2. However I have to have zero heat and my cd's need to be refreshed to do so.


Any other ideas? (Not trying to solo a large group. I work with a pt/jugg, a sorc healer and a maruader. It's a decent premade.)

Edited by killmaimburn
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You cannot outdamage a healer alone. I believe that actually, the only healer class that may be taken down in 1v1 is a bad sorc. Anyway you need to be at least two, remmember you have no interrupts as a mercenary so that's even more difficult to kill a healer for you.


Here are some ideas if you want to give some trouble to healers :

- do some assist dps on the healer himself, if a jugg/marauder/assassin/operative is on him, dps him as hell too, he'll get down quickly if not helped

- or if you're "alone" do as much dps as you can on several targets. Don't just try to take down somebody but try to get your dots on as many ennemies as possible. A healer is much more under pressure when all his team is getting damaged except of only just one. Aoe damages is the key too but you only have one effective, use you death from above wisely.

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Pick one healer as the target, pop relic/adrenal toss TD, IM, Rail >stun, Unload, TSO+Surge+Fusion, Rail, (while doing the TSO/Surge?fusion/Rail combo be charging into melee range) Jet boost, then mop up with pwr shot
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Pick one healer as the target, pop relic/adrenal toss TD, IM, Rail >stun, Unload, TSO+Surge+Fusion, Rail, (while doing the TSO/Surge?fusion/Rail combo be charging into melee range) Jet boost, then mop up with pwr shot
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I have had similar issues with healer heavy republic teams but here is how I deal with it.


Don't waste your heat on the AOE's but try this rotation. (forgive the spelling).


incendiary missle-thermo detonator-powershot-railshot-unload


incendiary missle will apply the dot you need for rail shot later in rotation. Thermo detonator, powershot and railshot will all hit at once and usually take down the healer to 3/4 health and unload will usually finish them off. If not then your rail should proc again and use that and they are for sure dead. This of course only works if they do not have another healer near by to heal them thru it.


This combo or rotation works on just about anybody and if it doesn't get them down 3/4 health they usually run cause a tank that is missing half their health in one hit (its what it looks like to them and why they call for us to be nerfed) they run like scared little chickens.


I am not scared of any class now that I found this rotation although if your interupted you have to think fast and come up with something else on the fly. Generally, however on a single target this will cripple a healer or kill (if they aren't healing their team they are not very effective).


You don't neccessarily have to kill a healer to take them out of the fight.


And you can kill a healer alone easily with the utility of electro dart and jet boost as interupts rather then using them as CC's. Everytime I duel a healer they either spend more time trying to heal themselves then doing dmg to me or they die a horribly quick death.


I know my class and the pyro tree and I know it well. Find me on Vrook Lamar and My name is Councyl. Ask the republic 50's if they know me cause I am usually focused first cause I am a healer hunter.

Edited by Councilman
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You cannot outdamage a healer alone.


Yes, you can. Especially in pyrotech. You just need to play smart, and realize that pyrotech isn't meant to be a higher dps tree than arsenal. It's meant to be a burst tree. And when the healer suddenly loses 70% of their life after you open up on them, you'll know what I mean.

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not to derail the OP but i'm just glad after reading this thread that my server isn't the only one with hippie pubs who stack healers/tanks and failsauce dps.


A good counter to healer stack though is marauder stack lol. Healing debuff and interupts are the bane of the hippies existence.

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