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Keybindings and you


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Alright boys and girls i am here to teach you to key-bind like a pro. Am i the pro not really but I have Experience from other games.


first off your left hand is your friend. all these key-binds are without one of those fancy gaming mouse just your old skewl 2 buttons.


first off switch your a and d to strafe left and right. next go to your bar keys. normally your play keys are 1 through 0 these will all be change with my hand dandy system.


The web. Why is it called the web because like a spider your fingers will be spinning this web.


The basics are simple your moving three bars of skills to your left hand and the middle mouse button. this works using 1 through 0 becomes these keys.


eqrfvcxz1234` those are the keys in order. now you say that's not enough for 3 bars.


were not done yet when making key-binds your can add 2 keys the original key and something to basically modify the key-bind.


So take the keys eqrfvcxz1234` and now add shift for your bottom bar keys. so for example add Shift+e when pressing down said key.


Thats another bar of keys in easy reach. finally the third bar is control+original key other wise ctrl+e. there another whole bar of keys.


Lastly theres the middle mouse key. for snipers its a cover button but i prefer c for my cover button. for a stealth class middle mouse works well for a stealth button. for every one else i recomend a interrupt or a stun for said button.


And there boils and ghouls is my system The web key-binding.


Sticky if you find this helpful to people. If this game ever gathers macro's your on your own Muahaha!

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I can use my mouse to do all my movements now. My mouse scroll can be pushed left and right, and I made that my strafe left&right. I have 3 buttons on the side, one I use for move forward, one is a CC break, and the other is my interrupt.


The above lets me use the keyboard as one big ability controller. I rest my pinky on the 1 key and my trigger finger on the 4 key. I have quick accesses to the button to the left of the 1 key, and the same for 5 key. Those 6 keys are bound in order of priority in my rotation. After I hit 1,2,3 I then know 1 is off its CD.


The 2nd row is Tab-T, and the 3rd is A-G. Thats 18 ability keys in quick and comfortable reach. I use the space bar for next target and V for jump. Im a tank so often need target friend and Guard. I use C for Next friend, and X for guard, both I can hit with my thumb

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listen just being a old gamer i use a gaming mouse now but back in the day those keybindings were pro. Sorry if i offended. some of these boys might get offended with the lastest and greatest tools around but poor people don't have some luxuries. i did it with the most basic of set ups for that purpose. Edited by Secradon
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who was getting offended?


CharleyDanger just posted that he does all his bindings with his mouse and my post was basically pointing to another thread based on the same thing you did but with a better layout and easier to read. I personally have used key-bindings close to 13 years now for MMO's because my current mouse is pretty basic; 2 buttons with the middle scroll wheel.

Edited by haliy
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my issue with this is you look like you're forcing very specific bindings on people, instead of just giving advice. for example, the first thing you say is "first off switch your a and d to strafe left and right." to me, the way you have this worded, translates to "do it this way or you're doing it wrong"


I, personally HATE strafing with A and D. I use the illegitimate child of keyboard and mouse turning: a combination of both. I am comfortable enough combining A and D to turn with Q and E to strafe, as well as using my right mouse button for quick and precise turning. strafing with A and D and turning solely with my mouse just feels very uncomfortable to me


after that you go into some complicated web setup, which seems entirely unnecessary to me. I've never understood why so many people seem aversive to having their whole number bar bound. if you took basic typing in middle/high school, key placements should be entirely natural so that snapping to the key you want to press and back to where you hand was should be effortless



also, I don't even have a middle mouse button. hell, I use a touchpad, not an actual mouse, and it doesn't even have a scroll bar on the side like some of them have. problem, elitists? :p (not directed at OP)

Edited by Metaspark
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seriously i am far from a elitest i stay outta guilds i stay away from premades because its no challenge when you rig the game. if anything i am more of loner whos giving advice is all this works and works well for me is all i am saying
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I commend you for trying to help. Not every binding will fit everyone of course but you posted in an effort to help others. :D


This. I'm not berating you, I can see you're genuinely trying to help people, and that's good. It's just the way you worded things it sounds like you're trying to force a specific playstyle on people

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