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Sentinel "fixes"?


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Am i the only one bothered by the PTS Sentinel / Marauder "fixes" completly destroying the cross tree synergies of the Focus-tree and AOE capabilities?


With the Watchmen dots secretly becoming based on weapon dmg and the Ataru-form proccs becoming weapon dmg there is just no reason speccing more than 2 points in the Focus-tree to get an 8% boost to Masterstrike.

Insight a tier 1 ability in the Focus-tree is just becoming useless outside of a full Focus-spec. This basically locks Focus´ complete tier2 (and higher) talents, as you won´t be able to reach them without wasting skillpoints (I consider Insight now wasted as it only buffs Bladestorm which is HIGHLY situational for Watchmen and autocrit for Combat, Force-Sweep now costs 3 Focus which makes a use outside of Focus-specc pretty much nonsense).


Next Point would be that the classes AOE capabilities just get completely destroyed. With Cyclone Slash costing 3 Focus they could just remove the ability from the game and make Slash an 180° 50%Dmg AE while in Ataru-Zen because Ataru-Zen is the only Situation one will ever want to use Cyclone-Slash.


While i agree that it was simply overpowered that you could leave a fight with 8 Focus and then build 30 centering out of combat via Cyclone-Slash spam (which was in my opinion the reason for this "fix"), couldn´t they just programm that you don´t build centering out of combat instead of just "removing" a skill from the game?

(As a side note: This will also make it extremely difficult as a Sentinel to prevent multiple peoble from point capping in Galatic Civil War or bomb plating / defusing in Voidstar, as you simply wont have enough Focus to AOE them)


Last but not least for all you Combat-Sentinels: Please read, understand and BUMP this http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=371763 thread.






Ps: Sry for bad english. I´m from Germany. Hope i didn´t forget any words.

Pps: No comment on the Dmg-Nerf on dots because i think Watchman will still have high enough DPS.

Edited by yningunay
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Am i the only one bothered by the PTS Sentinel / Marauder "fixes" completly destroying the cross tree synergies of the Focus-tree and AOE capabilities?


I'm not bothered one bit. I've been speccing as Combat since level 10 and have no intentions of going Watchman or Focus.


As for the "fixes" destroying the cross tree synergies - meh. I know alot of Focus spec'd Sentinels are upset about Sweep being on a 12 second cooldown now (instead of 9 when talented for Zephyr and Quick Recovery) but I think it will all work out in the end. We'll just have to wait until to patch day to see how it all fleshes out. I think that their increase Focus regen (albeit, even if it's on an RNG system), increased duration on Singularity, and the rework to Inner Focus will all yield an overall increase - this is only my opinion though. Final thought on this - outside of Focus spec, Sentinels have never been known to be strong AoE dps; we are at our best when doing single target damage. Even as Focus, our AoE is pretty much in short bursts.


As for Insight - I'm glad that it's pretty much a Focus-oriented talent now. Watchman won't make great use of it unless their burn effects are based on focus crit rating nor will Combat. Combat speccers only took Insight for a 6% crit increase to Ataru Form and maybe the odd non-autocrit Blade Storm. Reason I'm glad - it's 3 points that are now freed up for other things.


For example,

Solo PvE spec.

PvP Spec

Note: For the above two specs, "Quick Recovery" = Valor and "Stagger" = Swelling Winds.


All of these fixes make me excited for Patch 1.2. Can't wait until patch day!

Edited by Miraodus
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I'm not bothered by it at all honestly. While it was fun to mess around with a bit, its a mindless gimmic spec. Takes very little skill to play, and was a tad OP in the right hands ;P


I have not seen any mention of the Watchman dots on the forums yet, where did you see that?

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Regarding the Combat "issue" with the stance...



Originally Posted by CameronWinston

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Ataru form is indeed doing less damage and this is not intended. We will be correcting this before Game Update 1.2 goes live.


Thanks for your feedback!


glad we can move along from that ;P

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Am i the only one bothered by the PTS Sentinel / Marauder "fixes" completly destroying the cross tree synergies of the Focus-tree and AOE capabilities?


With the Watchmen dots secretly becoming based on weapon dmg and the Ataru-form proccs becoming weapon dmg there is just no reason speccing more than 2 points in the Focus-tree to get an 8% boost to Masterstrike.

Insight a tier 1 ability in the Focus-tree is just becoming useless outside of a full Focus-spec. This basically locks Focus´ complete tier2 (and higher) talents, as you won´t be able to reach them without wasting skillpoints (I consider Insight now wasted as it only buffs Bladestorm which is HIGHLY situational for Watchmen and autocrit for Combat, Force-Sweep now costs 3 Focus which makes a use outside of Focus-specc pretty much nonsense).


Next Point would be that the classes AOE capabilities just get completely destroyed. With Cyclone Slash costing 3 Focus they could just remove the ability from the game and make Slash an 180° 50%Dmg AE while in Ataru-Zen because Ataru-Zen is the only Situation one will ever want to use Cyclone-Slash.


While i agree that it was simply overpowered that you could leave a fight with 8 Focus and then build 30 centering out of combat via Cyclone-Slash spam (which was in my opinion the reason for this "fix"), couldn´t they just programm that you don´t build centering out of combat instead of just "removing" a skill from the game?

(As a side note: This will also make it extremely difficult as a Sentinel to prevent multiple peoble from point capping in Galatic Civil War or bomb plating / defusing in Voidstar, as you simply wont have enough Focus to AOE them)


Last but not least for all you Combat-Sentinels: Please read, understand and BUMP this http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=371763 thread.






Ps: Sry for bad english. I´m from Germany. Hope i didn´t forget any words.

Pps: No comment on the Dmg-Nerf on dots because i think Watchman will still have high enough DPS.


No, you're not alone in this. It's apparent that those opposed to the removal of Quick Recovery are few, but that's mainly because those who chose to go Watchman are the only ones seeing what's being done.


I am quite upset that they are removing the 'Quick Recovery' skill from the Watchman skill tree. As a melee DPS class, you'd assume that we would have a decent ability to AoE. I mean, we actually have to chase our targets. Cyclone slash does a minimal amount of damage, and is only a 180 degree AoE. It's more effective now to burn targets down one at a time, rather than spamming this skill (in PvE this becomes very apparent). Our heavy hitter, Force Sweep, has a 12 second CD (when traited with Quick Recovery) and stuns up to five weak targets for 1.5 seconds. It's decent, but it's cooldown keeps it on the back burner for other heavy hitting skills in the Watchman build.


I don't believe removing this skill is a good plan, and I have two counter-agruments to the possible reasons as to why it's being removed:


By traiting 'Valor' we had the ability to spam an AoE skill to get 30 centering.


Well, while this is a luxury for some, it does not justify penalizing cyclone slash. You could just rework Valor so that it only gives centering while your toon is in combat. Or you could swap mechanics with Burning focus, and make valor give you centering 100% of the time when a burn effect occurs, and provide a 30% chance to gain centering whenever a skill that requires focus is used. Problem solved, IMO.


I've heard some talk, and seen some examples (first hand) of Focus Sentinels having a really heavy hitting Force Sweep. So... Is that bad? As it is, 12 seconds on a cooldown timer is an eternity in combat. At 9 seconds, I could see where this would be a real issue.


However, it's easily fixed if you move 'Quick Recovery' farther up the Watchman tree.


Why exactly is Quick Recovery being removed? Are low cost AoE skills bad for melee? Was PvP the only factor in this decision? If we're destined to have this skill replaced by swelling winds, then why not keep the cost reduction for cyclone slash, at least?


Honestly, as a Sentinel, I was looking forward to the 1.2 patch, because I believed that my AoE attacks were going to be a little stronger and that force sweep would now be 9 seconds, as opposed to 12. Yes, keeping it's cost a 1 focus would be over-the-top, but a three focus cyclone slash is rather useless.


There is a middle ground here, and I hope that it can be found before this patch is finalized.

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