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Jedi consular's are only able to wear light armor




Loose, light-weight clothing is the preferred style for Jedi Consulars, enabling them to remain agile in battle. At times, ornate robes may help accomplish missions of negotiation and diplomacy; however, a Consular's prime interest is the mission, which means that apparel may need to be improvised from available materials.


Preferring to stay as nimble on the battlefield as they are in negotiations, Jedi Consulars avoid the heavy battle armor worn by many Jedi Knights , Dense polymers and Cortosis armors would weigh them down; light cloaks and ornamented robes suit their strengths better, and the efforts they most often find themselves engaged in. No matter where they go, however, Consulars are never without the Lightsaber that marks their initiation into the Jedi Order .

Edited by haliy
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Depending on which planet you are on and how many commendations you have, the commendation vendor might have an armor type you are looking for. Each planet has a regular armor vendor that you can purchase with credits (would not recommend purchasing any type of armor if this is your first character). Any type of armor which has orange writing can be upgraded with modifications and enchantments which will also increase the level of the armor.


Also, take a trip over to the fleet and check out the GTN. there will be times where other players are selling armor for a decent price if you want to go that route.


There will be players like myself which constantly run the lower level flash points for social points (Esseles in the case) or just because there generally nice and want to help out others having a hard time finding groups for flashpoints. If you find one of these individuals, you are golden because chances are, they will set up the loot drops so you can pick up everything while they kill everything else.


Guilds, Guilds, Guilds... find a good guild that is willing to help out with what you need. If i am not busy, I would be more than willing to help you with anything you ask. It's just the way I am and the way I will help the members of my guild. (recruiting starts the 26th btw :p)

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ahh.. almost forgot one more way. Crew skills.


being a Consular for armor, pick up synthweaving, archaeology, underworld trading. Both the archaeology and underworld trading compliment synthweaving will create the armor that you will be able to wear yourself.

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First you need to step back and figure out what type of player you are.


Are you able to log on only a couple hours a day? Are you the type that wants to be able to have the absolute best items for your character and produce the best results all the time every time? Are you the type that just likes to hang out, enjoy the game for what it is?


Once you figure that out, that is when you start looking into what different guilds are available and what they have to offer. The more hardcore guilds usually will have a requirement that you must attend x amount of time on and be available for x amount of raids per week with no exceptions. Some guilds like myself have guilds which are considerably more laid back where family comes first and realizes there is life away from the game.


Within the forums, head over to the Server Group Forums and pick what type of server you are on (PVE, PVP, RP, RP-PVP). once you have selected the correct type, you will need to pick the forums with the "server names x - x". from there on the top of the page, you will see a thread that says "Guild Recruitment and Looking for Guild". This is the area where individuals are "supposed" to post the recruitment of their guild but... it is only as useful as the guild posting is.


Also on the forums, take a look at some of the different signatures players have. The guild leaders and some officers will have direct links to their guild web pages and recruitment threads. Look at what their web site has and see if it's something that you would be interested in. Ask questions like you have been here or send PM's directly to those you are interested in and find out what they have to say about their guild.


Another place which is a bit more easier is taking the Ideal guild quiz. This website will ask you a series of general questions and based on how you answer, it will list a set of guilds that would "best suit you". The reason this quiz works so well is because the guild leaders answer the questions on what they believe in and then it compares your answers and their answers together. Again, this is only useful if the guilds actually post their guilds on the site. I won't be able to post mine on the site until the 26th.


Joining a guild can honestly take your MMO experience to a whole new level of enjoyment if you find the right one and you can also make life long friends with those members of the guild which you connect with. I still keep on contact with some players I gamed with 15 years ago.


Don't settle down with only 1 server if you find a guild you might be interested in. If the guild is worth it, make the change. It could make a world of difference.

Edited by haliy
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