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Holonet Timeline - Just a thought.


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I just stumbled upon a compilation of the Holonet timeline events, and was really impressed. I know many watched this before the game's launch, but having myself been rather oblivious to the history and lore, I found it fascinating.


I read at some point that updating the holonet was put on the backburner, with more prevalent update/bug fixes/etc. being of obvious priority. However, I thought it would be a great idea to somehow implement this into the game -- the ability to access libraries or similar recordings, to learn even more about the history and lore of the Star Wars universe.


I'm aware that the datacrons contain historical information/lore, but if it were possible to implement the same method -- someday -- as was used in the holonet timeline (still images, narration) of reviewing that history would be, in my opinion, an enjoyable addition to the game. Eventually. :)

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