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Any word on what's to become of Centurion/Champion/BM Comms after 1.2?


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Taken from the test server section thread:


Centurion Commendations

1 Centurion – Standard Small Credit Case

12 Centurion – Ancient Premium Storage Box

30 Centurion – Ancient Prototype Storage Box

45 Centurion – Grade 6 Crafting PvP Box


Champion Commendations

1 Champion – Heavy Small Credit Box

7 Champion – Ancient Premium Storage Box

20 Champion – Ancient Prototype Storage Box

30 Champion – Grade 6 Crafting PvP Box


Battlemaster Commendations

1 Battlemaster – Baradium Flux

1 Battlemaster – Grade 6 Crafting PvP Box


Mercenary Commendations

20 Mercenary – Warzone Expertise Adrenal

20 Mercenary – Warzone Medpac

30 Mercenary – 10 Warzone Commendations

750 Mercenary & 750 Warzone – Longspur Recon (Valor50)

Edited by Kabaal
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The PvP vendor has stuff you can trade them in for, allowing you to empty your entire inventory of them.


I am more curious about Mercenary Commendations, there is literally no point to them after the patch. Seems really lame to force people to change them back at a horrible exchange ratio.

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