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Qyzen's a Mess


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Is there any particular reason I cant make Qyzen NOT suck? Hes super slow to enter combat, unlike Khem Val, or even Skadge. When he DOES finally enter combat hes has to stop and think before switching targets. And he doesnt seem to utilize his leap.


I know theres a fix to techblades coming so his weapon will at least be more viable, but i dont know what else to try. I have tried binding his attack and leap so that i can make him get in there but that hasnt helped. I really WANT to like Qyzen, and I really WANT to use him, but hes so god awful I dont feel I have much of a choice. About the only good thing i can say about him right now is he at least takes a beating. Any tips or helful hints to make him a conductive member of my team would be appreciated.

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Qyzen gradually gets better... We can't see what his resource bar looks like- but he appears to have a bar like guardians. Unlike guardians his leap seems to cost energy rather than generate it.


If it works like that...if he hasn't been in combat recently- he can't leap. But if you can quickly run from 1 fight to the next- he should leap more often than not. His leap also has a minimum range just like a guardian- but it is a shorter range. (watch him.. he will back up and leap from a very short distance every once in a while)


- if you're a shadow attacking from stealth, he's probably not going to leap.


His AoE attacks seem to consume the greatest amount of his energy, but most people run with those turned off because they break cc.


My Qyzen leaps almost everytime I lead off with project, but rarely when I lead off with a DoT - so his behavior may somehow be linked to our abilities.

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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To start off, make sure you are equipping Qyzen with AIM-END gear and not STR-END gear. AIM is what controls Qyzen's attacks. You could also add some presence to your gear, but I wouldn't neccisarily add it over WILL. Also, make sure you keep his Techblade as up-to-date as possible (purchasable at any weapons vendor).


And as you level up, he does get better with the abilities he recieves. But you are stuck with only him until you leave Nar Shadaa (lvl 26-ish). Qyzen is actually a very good companion. I use him for most of the big battles. We can take on 2-3 Elites at a time.

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How I use Qyzen


IKinai (aka Illyse the Sage)


Step one, find a suitable target for Qyzen.

Step two, send Qyzen in on the attack.

Step two point a dash sixty-three sub-section g paragraph eff, shield Qyzen.

Addendum to step two point a dash sixty-three sub-section g paragraph eff, only if elites is this needed.

Step three, heal Qyzen.

Step four ???

Step five profit!

Edited by ikinai
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Qyzen is a great companion for Sages. As heals or ranged DPS, not only does he soak up damage, but he keeps his threat up as well.


Just send him in to attack first before you do. I have never had problems with Qyzen not leaping. He's leaped plenty as my companion.

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