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SWTOR Forum sucks due to North Korean-level censorship.


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SWTOR Forum sucks. Censorship is abysmal. Steam forums are much better. It´s mostly a miracle if you wrote a thread and is not shut down in a hour.


It doesn´t matter what thread you wrote: positive or negative one.


It certainly will be merged with other dude´s one. The difference is you spent an hour writing a full page trying voice your opinion, and it will be merged to a single line thread like "When server will be merged" or "We need a better balance" or "I love SWTOR", despite the huge diffrence between the contexts. If you expressed an opposite idea, it doesn´t matter, it will be merged and lost forever in hundreds of pages of threads one-liners. Maybe only five or six people will see it.


If you post a thread "SWTOR vs an other game", it certainly will be closed for discussing "other game".

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Hi there!


We understand that moderation can be frustrating, but discussing it on the forums is not allowed. We ask that any feedback regarding moderation - both positive and negative - be emailed to communitysupport@swtor.com so your concerns can be addressed one-on-one. We have closed this thread, as discussion of moderation is not permitted, but we do encourage you to send us your feedback!



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