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Light side/Dark Side: does it matter?


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Hopefully this doesn't sound like a stupid question...


When it comes to making conversation choices that involve light side or dark side choices (and accumulating said points) "should" I be making all one choice?


I have a bit of an RP'er in me, and I want to make my choices without even checking what points they might award, based on how I believe my character would act in that situation.


I know choosing all dark or all light will progress me faster to the next Light/Dark level, but am I putting myself in a bad situation if I don't? Can I still achieve the highest L/D level if I don't?

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There are certain items that can only be used by players of a certain LS/DS level and it has an importance for Sith Inquisitors at the end of their story but otherwise it doesn't make too much difference.

I would play it how you think your character would react, if you're a role-player it will be more fun that way

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Facial Herpies.... err Sith corruption


yea thats what i meant it should allow you to become a sith if your a jedi as to me the would make a believable Star Wars story as there has been many Jedi Become a sith ... so that would add a nice little twist to our story lines if we are evil lol

Edited by thedarkon
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yea thats what i meant it should allow you to become a sith if your a jedi as to me the would make a believable Star Wars story as there has been many Jedi Become a sith ... so that would add a nice little twist to our story lines if we are evil lol


but thats not the way the alignment system works in this game



think about ww2, an american soldier who tortured captured pow's would be considered dark side, but they were still working for the republic. they would do any means necessary.

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Right now the only area where it makes some difference is the relic slots. All the relics in the game pre-level 50 (other than the ones you can self-craft using matrix shards) have alignment restrictions either towards the light or towards the dark. As you get higher in level, those restrictions start demanding that you be farther and farther along in one direction or another. So level 20 relics might only require Light II or Dark II, but by the time you get to level 45+ ones, they require either Light V or Dark V.


This poses a problem for not only "true neutral" characters but also for characters who lean in one direction or another but don't go all-out.


So what I would say is that if you are not going fully either light or dark, it just puts a little more pressure on you to find your matrix shards as you are leveling up and make yourself a couple of relics, or else just realize you'll be at a slight stat disadvantage for not having them.


I have a smuggler alt that I am playing as a neutral character right now, he is level 27 or 28 and as of yet has no relics equipped. Can't say I have noticed myself being particularly gimped.


Also, note that once you hit lvl 50 and start doing endgame content there are both PvP relics (from, well, doing PvP) and PvE relics (from hardmode flashpoints and normal/hardmode operations) that do not have any alignment restrictions. So once you hit level 50 and start doing that stuff, the "problem" disappears. It is only an issue for people while leveling up.


There is other gear that is alignment-restricted (usually weapons) but this is not really an issue as there is usually plenty of non-alignment-restricted gear of equal power available at the same levels. It's only the relic slot (pre-level 50) currently where there really aren't any non-alignment-restricted options available.

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nvm.. ok consider this if a Jedi was a Dark Jedi and the order Picked up on him/her Being a Dark Jedi Then more than likely the Order would kick them out.. so really it make no since at all what so ever to be a dark jedi in this game still working for the Jedi Order lol... thats why I said it should be possible to turn completely lol.. thats why at this point I make no Darkside choices in the game as it doesn't effect the game in now why what so ever lol.. = useless to me lol Edited by thedarkon
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but thats not the way the alignment system works in this game



think about ww2, an american soldier who tortured captured pow's would be considered dark side, but they were still working for the republic. they would do any means necessary.


just remember tho that in the SW lore, a jedi that turns evil are in much larger risk of becoming a sith than a soldier or trooper as the jedi are connected to the force and the force can twist the jedi.


The soldier or trooper does not have this connection and therefore can be evil without the risk of be pulled all the way down to the darkest corners of evilness.


I have noticed this in my sith assassin missions. there are many evil troopers and soldiers on imperial side that are rated evil just because they simply agree to the way the imperial forced do things.


The sith force users are evil because they are fueling their lust for power and are trained to use their emotions through the force to become stronger and that will pull them further down in to the darkness...



But to reply to OP i would say no it dos not matter at all rely... it all depends on how u want to play ur toon.

Edited by crazyplaya
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