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Lore stuff that is making me uneasy.


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Why is it that the sith empire members(or citizens,or subjects) are called imperials.Why are they not called sith,just like Revan and Malak's sith.If you remember even the simple soldiers in kotor 1 and 2 were called sith.


When i hear the word imperial,an image of the imperials of the Galactic Empire from the movies comes to me,also the imperials of Elder Scrolls(but scratch that).


Why the members of this second faction are to be called by the type of government they use,and not their affiliation.

They are supposed to be a continuation or rebuild remnant of the Ancient Sith empire,not some people that chose to make their government an empire.

While theres a galactic government called- the republic and an order of ''monks'' called jedi and there is a clear distinction between the jedi and the republic,this is not the case with the Sith Empire and the Sith.The jedi were never species,nor a galaxy spanned faction.


Also from where the hell did they got all these humans.This sith faction was in the unknown regions.Humans are suposed to be in the core worlds and partly in hut space and the outer rim.

Did people just went there and chose to serve the sith?Isn't this sith faction suposed to be super secret hiding from everyone.If it is so secret how so many humans,went there and became part of the Sith Empire military.

As far as i know the only humans(exept the dark jedi exiles) the ancient sith empire ecountered are the 2 explorers that were later used in the Naga Sadow plot to expand the Sith Empire.


When we are talking about the Sith Empire ,we are not talking about Sith Order,Sith religion and Sith teachings only.We are talking about the Faction- Sith.The Anceint sith Empire that rebuilded in the Unknown regions.Why is grand moff Odile Vaiken a human?Even if the sith that escaped had human slaves(which doesn't make any sense),it would not be possible to crate such a large military based solely on this human population



And why the hell sith Warships look the same way as the Galactic empire ships from the movies? The uniforms also.Did Palpatine chose to revive this ''ancient sith style'' for use in his empire?


All this doesn't make any sense and it seems to me an attempt to draw fans of the movies without any Kotor 1 and 2 common lore sense.Star Forge's Malak's warships looked more or less similiar,but not EXACTLY THE SAME as those in the movies.

Do you remember the republic soldiers in kotor 1?Why the hell republic soldiers in ToR look like republic clone troopers from the clone Wars?????


Don't take me wrong ,this is not whining,this is my favorite game.The stuff i mentioned is just something i was curious about and it is making me uneasy while playing.

Can some1 put to rest these questions i have so i can enjoy the game fully without this uneasy feeling while playing? :/

Edited by Kaedusz
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Let's see:


1) They're called imperials because they're part of an Empire. Revan and Malak just had a Sith order, not an empire. And this empire predates Revan's Sith.


2) It's supposed to make you think of the movie imperials, just like the Trooper armor is supposed to make you think of clone/storm troopers. They wanted movie only people to have recognizable stuff.


3) Humans are everywhere. They've got colonies everywhere. And the Sith empire was founded by humans that took control of and later interbred with the Sith species. They've had around 2000 - 3000 years out in the Unkonwn Regions by themselves - that's a loooooong time. More than long enough to populate a number of UR planets with humans. It's also a point that gets mentioned in-game - the Sith species and the Purebloods are dying out. It's a recessive trait.


4) Technology plateaus out after a certain point. It gets to the point where there are only minor advances in tech. That's a real world not-Star Wars related theory. That's the logical in-story reason to explain why out of story they decided to make things look like the movies/cartoon.

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1.Way to miss the point,but ok,i can agree.


2.Making me think of the movies is a success on their part and i don't like it.

I don't want to make any connections in my mind between the 3000 years of difference between the movies and the game when we are talking about art style,uniforms and such.In fact, before playing kotor 1 and 2,i hated the star wars franchise and the movies.


3.The dark jedi exiles(which were very few individuals,compared to the whole sith race) that became Sith Lords,interbred with the sith species and got their traits,not the other way around.Red skin and various deformities.Ludo Cresh,Marka Ragnos ,Naga Sadow and others are the result.By the time of the Ancient Sith Empire's defeat and exile,i don't see any evidence of pure humans in the Sith empire.Basicaly everyone was basic sith,or mixed ,like the above mentioned.Non of them looked like humans.Which makes me think,those that escaped in the Unknowned regions to recreate the empire were all red sith.And this is what makes me wonder why are there so many humans.


4.I was talking mainly about the style,not the advancement of technology.Republic ships for example look like those in kotor 1 and 2 ,despite the 300 years difference, as it should be.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I just saw this :


''Odile Vaiken was a Human male alive during the Great Hyperspace War and its aftermath. Vaiken grew up within the borders of the original Sith Empire and was, like other citizens, a loyal servant of his Sith overlords. The Great Hyperspace War between the Empire and the Galactic Republic ended badly for the Sith, and their subjects were forced to flee their homes to escape retribution from enemy forces. The young Vaiken joined his fellow countrymen in a massive exodus from their decimated capital of Korriban, led by a reclusive Sith Lord. ''


This explains partly the humans population i gues,so my mind can be put to rest. :p

It seems that large group humans ,not part of the republic were within the borders the ancient Sith empire. O.o

Edited by Kaedusz
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