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Galactic Trade Kiosk suggestions.


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Hey everyone! ive just started playing the game and im finding mostly everything to be really smooth. though one thing that i think could really use some improvement or the Galactic Trade Kiosk, whichever floats your boat.



1.) Slot specification/sub category. - This would be the biggest improvement to it in my books. examples are "chest" where it would only display items that are used in your chest slot.


2.) Name search - while this is already present, it could be greatly improved on. be able to link or shift + click an item into the text bar would be greatly helpful. If i have several items i'm selling and i'm unsure of the price. Manually typing them all in for price checks is fairly time consuming.


Additionally, i would really really realllllllllly appreciate if i could ALWAYS use the name search option. Sometimes i't "grayed out" or innactive/unusable. (perhaps a more experienced SWTOR player could elaborate as to why) but if i'm going to the GTK strictly to search for "Jedi lightsaber of epicness" i really don't want to have to go through all the sub categories when i could simply type in the item i'm wanting.


3.) make it an auction house! make bids available! buy outs are indeed the most common/prefered way to sell and purchase items. But there are several instances where players may prefer a bidding over a outright buyout.

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