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Trying Assault now, at lvl 43


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I really like mobility. I have always enjoyed kiting and this spec its great for that.


Unfortunately from my one day of warzones and class questing I am thinking the spec is too weak for my tastes in pvp, atleast at lvl 43 with pretty top end gear for the lvl.


I can do some nice dmg and even top the chart in dmg but that is only if enemies just let me sit there and pew pew. I am of course moving pretty much non stop and kiting as much as I can but the other classes have slows, stuns, gap closers.


It seems once anyone reaches me Im going down too quick, quicker than any other class I have played.


I think if this spec was gonna be for me I would need some more survivablity. If you are not gonna get burst dmg like gunnery you should get some more stuns or escapes etc imo. I am just getting cut up way too fast by melee.


I will continue using the spec for a while to see if it gets any better. You cant blame people for spamming grav round when they make the other dps spec kinda weak but with the gimmick of having mobility. I think I would rather stand still and be able to kill someone than have to run for my life if anyone even gets anywhere near me, because these WZ are not huge and often times you have to be up close.


Anyone else have any experience with Assault in WZs? Good or bad?

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You pretty much nailed it. I have a battlemaster assault spec. and you can be in the top dps in every wz but feel you didn't contribute that much. We are slow and don't have any utility. It's pretty tough gettting to a turret or door when timing is important. In huttball.....we make good targets to leap too. When they took away dots interupting object interaction bioware gave the assault commando the biggest pvp nerf in the game. On the plus side we have good dots that sorc can't clean and if you can get a good timed mv you can see lots of red.
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You pretty much nailed it. I have a battlemaster assault spec. and you can be in the top dps in every wz but feel you didn't contribute that much. We are slow and don't have any utility. It's pretty tough gettting to a turret or door when timing is important. In huttball.....we make good targets to leap too. When they took away dots interupting object interaction bioware gave the assault commando the biggest pvp nerf in the game. On the plus side we have good dots that sorc can't clean and if you can get a good timed mv you can see lots of red.


So you must enjoy the playstyle if you stuck with the spec even at battlemaster? That is kinda the dilemna I see here, the playstyle is more fun that gunnery imo, but I feel like the easiest kill in the game. And let me add to that I have a 50 Battlemaster Sage and almost Battlemaster on a Shadow, I have also played every other class but vanguard, been playing since closed beta. I am just trying to show you that I have experience with other classes, to make the comparison.


I also heard that the Commando nerfs in 1.2 are going to effect Assault spec, which is pretty terrible patching/balancing imo. Have they even played the spec? :o

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