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Need a lil Info, Pre and Post 50 WZ PvP (combat Medic)


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What is the deal with commando and warzones? Currently, I have a level 40 commando and I pvp a great deal with him for leveling (hes rank 40 valor too, I've been keeping up with his actual level). I've noticed that DPS in these warzones are doing off the charts, ridiculous damage, that no matter what I do, these kids can faceroll their 1 2 3 buttons and either still out damage my heals, or run me out of Ammo LONG before they're even to the half point on their resources.


I've tried kiting, I've tried pillar humping, I've tried having a tank guard me, so far nothing is working too well. Against a good dps, I'm having significant trouble just surviving if surviving at all.


Now I've heard commandos can be decent at 50, with 450+ expertise but, do I really have to wait that long before I'm actually effective within a team? Sure, I can kamikaze out into the field and heal a few people, maybe even top the charts, but my deaths are THROUGH THE ROOF.


Someone, of a higher commando authority and a combat med, please help me out. I'm getting my *** stomped by any Assassin, Sniper, Operative, or Tank that I come across if they're any part half decent at their class.



Also some background, I'm an experienced MMO'er and PvPer. Among other things I've played a holy paladin up to 2217 on bloodlust so I'm not a laymen when it comes to scooping interrupts, when to heal, where to position etc.

Edited by Wonkamania
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Pillarhumping is by far the most effective way, or assuming acquiring and higher position to make your knockback more effective. did you spec for Med Zone, Combat Shield and Treated Wound Dressings? Use your PVP-adrenals as defensive cooldown and pop it only when under fire. Try to hold on to your support cell charges if you feel you need more defense to pop it and give yourself the Kolto Bomb shield. Knocking melees away WHILE walking around a pillar or wall works wonders since they wont be able to force leap/grip you right away and give you some breathing room. Other than that wait for your resolve bar to fully fill before you activate reactive shield so you get 15 seconds of uninterruptable freespam, assuming you specced for Combat Shield. But i admit your true staying power comes with lvl 50 and expertise. Oh and always keep Traume Probe on yourself exclusively to have a small buffer when unexpectedly focused, by a stealther for example. If you have one enemy on you open with Medical Probe to bait the interrupt in case youre not feeling like fake casting. Because smart players wont kick your Advanced Probe but instead lock you out of your mainheal when AMP is on cooldown so you sit there doing nothing. Never ever get caught out in the open, youll be a sitting duck and might aswell just roll over and die :) Edited by eMAeM
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I'll have to try some of the things you suggested; thank you. I was specced into the majority of what you said, but I'll try to move a few more points around, see what I can't get to make me more survivable. Thank you for your team, sincerely.
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I highly recommed speccing into Heavy Soldier as soon as you are able to! It might not look as much but it really helps. Because right now our output really isnt the problem whereas surving is key! Oh and also keep Kolto Residue on you in those cases because all those little percentages really add up :) But i guess youre doing that already anyway! GL with your commando and feel free to ask anything you want :) and nothing beats the feeling when trumping sages on the healing boards :p
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Play with guild mates.

Play over vent/mumble/teamspeak to coordinate.

Get the best gear you can. My current 41 gunslinger is in mostly mod gear purples and blues. As a healer your performance is proportional to the number of good players around you. If your team cannot kill anyone you will die fast. No matter how good you are you can only do so much.

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Play with guild mates.

Play over vent/mumble/teamspeak to coordinate.

Get the best gear you can. My current 41 gunslinger is in mostly mod gear purples and blues. As a healer your performance is proportional to the number of good players around you. If your team cannot kill anyone you will die fast. No matter how good you are you can only do so much.


^-- that and always be aware of guard range and your tanks position if you happen to have one.

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Great advice guys. I just really want to say thank you, please don't stop giving advice to people in need of it. Members like you contribute to a good community and help make the game and interactions with people much more enjoyable.
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Also one more thing, the last ability in the healing tree, bacta infusion, it reminds me of the old school Holy shock when it was on a 30 second timer. Is it really worth getting this ability; or would it add more to survivability, offense, and utility, to go up further in the gunnery line and grab the increased knock back and knock back on stock strike while also grabbing grav round to help out with dps when needed?
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Also one more thing, the last ability in the healing tree, bacta infusion, it reminds me of the old school Holy shock when it was on a 30 second timer. Is it really worth getting this ability; or would it add more to survivability, offense, and utility, to go up further in the gunnery line and grab the increased knock back and knock back on stock strike while also grabbing grav round to help out with dps when needed?


Its well worth it! Heals for a decent amount and most importantly its free, thus adding to your ammo efficiency. Plus it gives you some nice burst healing when on the move by just chaining it to either Probe. It also gives you 1.5 seconds to repostion yourself whenever its up. Dont save the cooldown, just use it whenever possible. The PVP 4-piece bonus will lower its cooldown by 3 seconds, which isnt much, but everything helps!


this is what my build looks like




But even as a fullout healer you can deliver some serious burst.

(SSC) -> Throw a Sticky -> Pop Reserve Cell -> Plasma Grenade -> Charged Bolts -> (Tech Override -> Charged Bolts) -> High Impact Bolt


Skills in brackets are optional (though i wouldnt use the second Charged Bolts without SSC popped, due to its strain on your ammo) and the core rotation of sticky-plasma-charged-HiB works well as a standalone move IF Reserve Cell is ready, otherwise dont bother since Plasma is never worth its cost. (You could sacrifice your Recharge Cells in exchange for Reserve Cell to still pull this combo off if RC is still on cooldown. Thats risky but your call:) ) This though is assuming you have the time to pull it off, meaning the enemy pressure isnt too high at that moment. Never ever neglect your healing! i know, i know its tempting :p


I tried Muzzle Fluting but your steady DPS isnt too strong. Its way more efficient to operate in those burst windows. Plus, that talent distracts from healing and leads to spamming charged bolts which might result in lots of dead team mates ;P

Edited by eMAeM
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