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Had it with low populated servers?


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I get it that may people are upset over the fact that we as players are having so much trouble doing warzones becuase of low population and are having an even harder time getting people for Heroics. We keep blaming bioware for the part of there being very few players on certain servers, but we cannot hold them accountable for this. I know that some people are thinking about changing servers because of the low population but they don't want to because they already have a high leveled character on that server. Explain to me why you want to continue to play as a great character on a server when you can never do anything when you could roll a new one and use them on a different server with more people. I can tell you this, there are multiple classes in the game for you to create at anytime. You have the power to reroll a character and change servers. If you are looking for a server to play on, ask around. Usually on PVE servers there are more leveling guilds that recruit people to help understand better then go and do ops. and PVP.

I love Swtor and want everyone to enjoy the game as much as i do. So please do not quit the game because to few people are playing on your server. In the end the players have more power in matters like this instead of developers. if you are an eastern player or play on a low pop. eastern server and want a PVE server, try Corellian Run. I play on that server my self and there are very few jerks on. There are plenty of people playing imp and republic and they both enjoy new members. Or if you want to help out a low pop. server please help out The Exile's Crystal. There are very few people on that server and I want to help out fellow players if I can. I don't ask if you are a level 50 character who loves his or her server to change over and play on another to help others. But if you are looking for a new server please look at Corellian Run if you want to meet nice and helpful people, or The Exile's Crystal if you want to help a server in need.

Thank you, and may the force be with you.

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Hello -SaberMaster-


We appreciate when anyone takes the time to write constructive threads. However, at this time we're going to ask that you share your thoughts and opinions on the topic of low server populations to this thread:


Server population is dropping...


We understand that this thread addressing the community was meant with good intentions, but we're going to be closing it, as threads of this nature tend to lead to little constructive discussion.


Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

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