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Nice Modifiable Gear?


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I've been playing a Sage for a bit and I'm enjoying it, but I was hoping I could get some input on nice looking gear for the Jedi Consular.


I'm playing a human female, I play with the head slot invisible, and I don't like having a hood. Right now I'm using the Force Evangelist chest and legs from the PvP vendor. I like the model but not the color scheme so much.


So, I was wondering, do you guys had any modifiable Consular gear you really liked? Are there set pieces you like to mix and match? Let me know!

Edited by Dan_McMan
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I also like the Muse gear from the commendation vendor on Alderaan. It comes with mods in the upper 20s, I think, and the set is one of the few light armors that have pants instead of a robe/skirt. Color-wise, it's similar to the formal wear, white with gold-ish highlights, so you could probably blend the Muse top with the formal skirt pretty well if you prefer.
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I'm using the Muse boots & pants from alderaan, the awesome sand people chest, voidmaster gloves (pure white, random drop, got it from the GTN) and just managed to mod the pilot belt (fleet commendations) so that it's better than what I had.


On Nadia I use the dancer top and the elegant lower robe, I'd use full dancer outfit but her legs look so unhealtily thin. I use a headband from synthweaving to still see some of her face.. besides can't think of any headgear that doesn't look silly.

Edited by Fei-Ke
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