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Annoying enemy probe droids, how to kill?


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I'm running a Sniper currently at Nar Shadaa, and every once in a while I run into these secondary enemy attacks which consist of small hovering probes that stun or electrify both Sniper and Companion. Combined with 1-2 strongs, this is a rather difficult situation. I've tried various techniques like cover pulse, droid slice, melee hits, but can't get at the little ***********. Any suggestions welcome so I can complete this damn side mission... :confused:
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Ok... So what would be a solution to the situation where such a probe rapidly drains my energy while I'm also fighting a Strong or two? Is there a limited range for this skill attack? Countermeasures?


If it's a stationary probe, the obvious thing is to move out of its range but a lot of the ones they use attach to you so there's nothing to do but wait it out. All of the probes I can think of just do dots and/or slow you down, not drain energy, though I could be mistaken because I don't know/remember everything.


As a Sniper, your own skills will eat through your energy like nothing if you don't remember to use the base attack (Rifle Shot?) every so often to rebuild your energy. You should also have a skill called Adrenaline Probe that restores some energy when used, it's on a 2 minute cooldown but it's handy in situations like this.

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The ones I've run into follow me around for a number of steps but seem to fall away if I pull back from the fight, but this is not a very good workaround. I was wrong about energy, I meant that they do damage over time... A surprising amount of it, I see chunks dropping from the meter in just a few seconds. Harmless as it may seem this DOT probe + 1 Strong became a harder battle than say 3 equal level Strongs. Next time I run into one of these I'm going to examine its attack closely as it's an interesting little thing... And annoying.
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I was wrong about energy, I meant that they do damage over time... A surprising amount of it, I see chunks dropping from the meter in just a few seconds.


Most enemy special attacks do 'elemental' or 'internal' damage that bypasses armor, so it can end up doing a lot more damage than you'd think.


If you're specced for DPS, either use a healing companion (who can heal the damage), or use a tanking companion and send them in first -- then the enemies will use the DOTs on them rather than you!

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As a circa level 20 Sniper, you have no healing within reach except the adrenaline probe, which didn't really outweigh these enemy probes. I'm past that mission now, but next time I see one of those probes I'm going to make sure that the companion goes in ahead and takes it, as that seems to be the only solution.
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If you cannot negate the effect with some kind of dispell (as your level, I do not think you get one, but not totally sure), then mitigating the effect with a medpack, or starting your attack by going for the enemy that uses the probes (and concentrating on them with both your fire and your companion) are the only options... unless you take things like "get a group" or "come back when you are a level or two higher" as potential options, of course.


Make sure you let Kaliyo attack the mob first, then she will be the one who picks up the aggro so she will be the one who gets the DoT probes attached to her.

Edited by Erevan_Kindelar
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On all my characters I focussed the droid first along with my companion, and nuked it down. a) they are flimsy and die quickly b) they heal their allies and so need to be removed as a priority, and c) the sooner you burn down the droid the sooner its satellites despawn.


They have never caused me any problems on any character at any level, but, I dont have a sniper character and maybe thats a special issue?

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Make sure you let Kaliyo attack the mob first, then she will be the one who picks up the aggro so she will be the one who gets the DoT probes attached to her.


Yeah, this seems to be the #1 solution with my particular set-up. However, you can't (at least I can't) predict which mobs have this specific skill, so if you engage in the usual way with a snipe or grenade, the DoT probe will seek me out first and by then it's too late, and one may have to take a 10-second death. After being revived one will of course send Kaliyo in first to draw the aggro.


Anyway, I made it past this mission, so I'm good... even got up-levelled in the process.

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Yeah, this seems to be the #1 solution with my particular set-up. However, you can't (at least I can't) predict which mobs have this specific skill, so if you engage in the usual way with a snipe or grenade, the DoT probe will seek me out first and by then it's too late, and one may have to take a 10-second death. After being revived one will of course send Kaliyo in first to draw the aggro.


Anyway, I made it past this mission, so I'm good... even got up-levelled in the process.


Hi, I'm a new sniper myself. Doesn't Kalliyo have a grenade as well? If you are engaging a group of enemies, you may want to have Kalliyo attack first, and make sure her grenade is enabled, or manually instruct her to throw it. It will do AoE damage, and draw the wrath of everyone it hits. Wait a second or two, then you can pick off targets individually. But make sure she throws hers before you use any AoE attacks.

Edited by amantheil
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