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Uppercut - the 'hiding in plan sight' nerf?


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Sorry I can't find a good link to the ability. If someone has one, feel free to link it.



But from what I'm understanding atm is this. For 20,000 credits, everyone is going to be able to unlock an additional knockback ability, on it's own cooldown.



Expect fighting to be like this?


- Walk up to dude

- Knockback from them

- Force leap back to them

- Get Uppercutted away yet again




I don't know many of the details, but it's something I'm very curious about.

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If you're talking about a legacy ability it's only usable during the Heroic Moment with a companion out. Not usable in Ilum, Warzones or Operations. If its one of those unarmed thingies then i've no clue, probably the same deal with where they can be used though. Edited by Kabaal
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Nah - I dont think it is attached to the Heroic moment.



It is one of the four new 'punches' that you can unlock at legacy level 8ish, with a pocket credits. I'm just curious if they are really giving every kiting class out there an additional knockback.

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It is an unarmed attack meant to be used in a new street brawl mini game lol





I'm asking..... because I don't know. (new concept to some people, I get it)



So are you saying the punch abilites can't be used anywhere else other than a mini game?

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