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Gunnery adjustment.


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Ok, are Sages/Sorcerers getting the same treatment for their non-stop Telekinetic Throw/Lightning w/e? Why should Commandos not cast one of their most powerful abilitys at their leisure while the droves of Sages/Sorcs cast their e-z mode spells without being bothered? Grav Round does not have an interrupt attached to it last I checked either...


IMO, Bioware is so out of touch with their own game it's not even funny; at least in WoW you knew you were getting hosed because the devs obviously played certain classes. Wait...ok now I get it...I'm so smrt. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kushtaka
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sorc/sage doesn't play the same way we do.


Every class/spec has basically 2 "filler" attacks. One that consumes a resource and the base attack spell that doesn't consume a resource.


Merc/Com's "filler" attack when gunnery spec is basically TM/Grav and it's a pretty beefy "filler" which makes it nerf worthy. The issue is it's not just a filler.. it's also an ability we "have" to cast for buffs/procs/debuffs.


Most other classes have similar mechanics, abilities they have to fire off to do something else... example: Scoundrel, scrapper spec, I pistol whip to get my upper hand so I can sucker punch or I "shoot first" etc. The I have a completely different ability that is my 'filler' with resources ability and I have a couple of other abilities that need to be thrown in as part of the rotation.


The majority of the rotation for a gunnery spec is grav round, we're pretty much the only class where our "Need to cast" ability is also our "Filler" ability. As such the ability needs to be adjusted.


I'm ok with the nerf, make it less appealing to cast it a bunch, but if you're going to make it less appealing to cast a bunch, make it so we don't "HAVE" to cast it so much.


What they've done here is make the ability worse but not lowered the need for it to be spammed. THey've made people not 'want' to spam it as much but not done a thing to reduce the actual NEED for us to spam it..


No one else has the mechanic where you have ot cast X spell 3-5 times to make your other abilities work at optimal performance. Too much is tied to grav round, rather than just nerfing it, it needs to be completely adjusted so its not 'needed' as much.


My suggestions hopefully push that in the right direction. They're also 'relatively' simple that I have a tiny sliver of hope that if the developers see this it could potenitally go into 1.2 before it goes live.


Would tkae a lot of support though from people who actually play the class and understand the mechanics. Unfortunately the community as a whole is just in whine mode and would rather complain about a problem than offer a solution.

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