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Why so many healing classes


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I need to ask this question to which only bioware would have an answer for. anyone else answering it would just be offering their own opinion. The question is ...




Really i mean is having almost.....every...single...class in the game a healing class really necessary? Some of it doesnt make any sense....


take the bounty hunter for example. Now when i think of bounty hunter i think of ruthless cutthroat, hired out to the highest bidder type of person, NOT a nurse made ....."um...do you have any contracts for saving ppl, i abhore violence and blood shed?"

***!! Your a bounty hunter you should be knocking ppls heads together not "oh is that a scrape here have a band-aid..." I see Bounty hunters that are medics and i feel they should be wearing skirts instead of armor.


Even the trooper class makes no sense. Here we have this big gun that looks like it would take out a sith armada, BUT WAIT instead it shoots a green beam that make me feel like they should be part of the Ghost Busters. I got this one guy for a flashpoint who was a commando thinking he was DPS heck he had a big gun and we already had a sage. we get in there and the dude starts shooting green and im like *** dude i thought you were dps.....he asked "whyd you think that?" oh i dont know because of the BFG your holding! i told him to put that thing away and pull out a fairy wand instead as then it would atleast make a little more sense.


in my opininon troopers and bountyhunters should not be healers to me it doesnt fit there characters.


When this game first came out the only class i thought of as healers was sorcerer and sage which makes sense. But no, not only are they not the only healers but they arent even the best. i would think that a Force or (mage if you will) class would have the best heals but no. Instead i have a cut throat assassin (imperial agent) that instead of pulling out a knife to cut the dudes throat he pulls out a can of first aid spray and says "sike!! fulled ya didnt I?" yeah sure while your at it maybe you can give him a massage.


Look i know that now that everyone has a healer, and they've gotten a taste for it, ppl would scream if bioware took away the healing trees from the classes other than force useres, and i know ppl who like there healers are going to flame this post and i dont really care. I just feel like the sorcer and councler should have been the only healing classes.


So again Bioware why do pretty much all classes have a healing tree, and if this is what your wanting to stick with why not go ahead and give the gaurdians and juggernaughts a healing tree too. You might as well everyother class has it why leave them out.

and if someone says that doesnt make sense again i ask does a bounty hunter make sense as a healer? does a back stabbing scoundrel or imperial agent?


Ok im done ranting.....let the flamming commense!! :D

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I think they did a great job of creating healing classes that aren't embarrassing looking.


The healing commando and merc might not be "iconic" but I would much rather be a heavily armored badarse with a green laser cannon than a fruit in a dress waving his fairy finger for magical mending.


Its fiction so all bets are off as far as logic goes.


Anyway you can bet that if there was a gun that shot health pellets every soldier in the army would carry one.

Edited by futuredami
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A. Only 3 out of 8 AC's can heal, which is less than half. 3 out of 8 AC's can tank, the exact same number that can heal, but I don't hear you whining about that.


B. Healing mercs and troopers actually make a lot of sense, just look at the spec names: Combat Medics: They're soldiers who heal their allies as well as blow up their enemies (with big cannons, but I digress.) People who provide medical attention on the field are a reality, as in they exist in modern day society, so to say it doesn't fit doesn't make sense.


Mercs have the Body Guard tree; they're still big bad bruisers and cutthroats, but these guys saw fit to specialize in not just being hired to kill, but being hired to protect. How many NPC Bounty Hunters do we encounter protecting the people we're out to kill? Lots? I thought so.





Also, as a side note, Sage/Sorcs are the best healers. So...I guess you got that right, even if you aren't aware of it.

Edited by Achraya
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Ok im done ranting.....let the flamming commense!! :D


Nah, I'll pass on this one.


You're doing far too good a job flaming yourself as it is. :rolleyes:

Anything I could do would just detract from your own natural ability to put yourself down. :cool:

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Wrong numbers to look at.


There are 3 healing specs

There are 3 tank specs

There are 18 DPS specs


That's an awful lot of leet deeps.


Not too many healers, but healing is a bit too effective sometimes, that seems to be what is being addressed in 1.2

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Theres enough trouble as it is finding a healer for pug groups - restrict it to only sage/sorc and believe me, you will spend about x5 longer trying to get groups together.


Im sorry but this thread is silly, use your head instead of wasting our time.

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A. Only 3 out of 8 AC's can heal, which is less than half. 3 out of 8 AC's can tank, the exact same number that can heal, but I don't hear you whining about that.


B. Healing mercs and troopers actually make a lot of sense, just look at the spec names: Combat Medics: They're soldiers who heal their allies as well as blow up their enemies (with big cannons, but I digress.) People who provide medical attention on the field are a reality, as in they exist in modern day society, so to say it doesn't fit doesn't make sense.



^What I was going to say.


I Know! Maybe should all re-roll to DPS since they are hardly any of those, then down the road people can complain they are not enough healers.

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