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Before you make another teary eyed thread please consider:


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Sidestepping the fact that you cannot play and demonstrated it multiple times in this thread with ridiculous comments doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't be offering an opinion on something you don't understand. Simple facts.


Your "facts" are false assumptions based on my posts that you took out of context and twisted to support your bologna.

It is even more obvious that you have no idea about the end game combat medic except to nerf us to the ground and make us useless for end game PVE content. Hard Facts.

Edited by Dast
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First of all... Commando do Single target heal! You have one AoE heal and it's not the best heal you have by far!


Doing solo heal make your job way harder to Heal a lots because you have to change target. Those Sage dosent need to do that because there best heal and a ground stuff that heal a lots.


But that dosent mean you are weaker because you do less healing... First you have the best solo target heal! No one can survive more then a Commando healer in any PvE... Any Sage in a PvE environement need way more protection from other then a commando... I just have to think the last boss of each Ops. They do a lots of AoE attack and that kill easy those sage cause they dont have good armor VS a power tank metal armor healer!


You have more HP then any healer, you have more Armor then any healer... What do you want more... Be better healer??? You already are a better class! Yes in PvP you might have a hard time... You dont have any Interupt, you can't stealth, nothing to really push an ennemie far enough to be usefull. But Think about it... In PvE those think are useless for boss fight... This is not the job of an healer to interupt monster... Stealth is useless cause you need to heal, not run.


Be more realistic of the game befor QQ. This is not a PVP game it's a PVE game!

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Your "facts" are false assumptions based on my posts that you took out of context and twisted to support your bologna.

It is even more obvious that you have no idea about the end game combat medic except to nerf us to the ground and make us useless for end game PVE content. Hard Facts.


/rolls eyes


Seriously? In one sentence you decry people holding opinions out as facts and then say 'nerf us to the ground and make us useless for end game PvE content. Hard facts' as if that opinion is any more a fact than what you're complaining about with others.


Get a grip.

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/rolls eyes


Seriously? In one sentence you decry people holding opinions out as facts and then say 'nerf us to the ground and make us useless for end game PvE content. Hard facts' as if that opinion is any more a fact than what you're complaining about with others.


Get a grip.


Another bologna artist. Where in there did I say nerfing us to the ground was fact? Its obviously an opinion and that opinion is based on reading of the patch notes and RuQu's testing from the PTS.


There are also many others on the test forums giving opinions, and they arent good.


Who is the one who should be rolling eyes?

Edited by Dast
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Combat medics are gimped beyond reason not so much for the -2 or 3% (not that that was needed, but whatever..) here and there but for the ammo costs/gains nerfs which make no sense whatsoever.


Gunnery is going to be better and especially in pve it's going to do substantially more dps, but it will remain an awful spec for pvp just as it is now, and that's simply because its gameplay won't change at all, you'll still be a turret getting trolled by either interrupts or los, and with basically 0 survivability as soon as pretty much anybody with more than 2 fingers on one of his hands decides to kill you.


Medic/gunnery hybrid which was the best pvp spec, offering damage AND decent utility + sruvivability will be severely gimped because of all the healing tree nerfs, the -10% to grav round and +5 seconds to ccharge.


Supermen making threads about how people should wait before complaining or not complain at all annoy me, especially since this class is getting shafted up its ***, while others, actually overpowered for real, get away with a pat on the back.


Commandos who have a clue about their class have all rights to complain about the ludicrous nerfs coming in 1.2, as a matter of fact i did play a lvl 50 one in 1.2 ptr, and i can tell you, what you read is what you're getting. If you think those changes you read are awful, it's because they actually are. Improved animations with damage right away on all skills, even full auto, mortar, lightning etc is just about the only decent thing for the class in this patch, but that's a treatment all animations of all classes are getting.


If all you do is gunnery pve dps you should be happy about the 1.2 changes, but if you play as a pve healer or do any sort of pvp you're screwed. It is that simple.

Edited by AzKnc
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If all you do is gunnery pve dps you should be happy about the 1.2 changes, but if you play as a pve healer or do any sort of pvp you're screwed. It is that simple.


Sadly, a lot of players from other classes are too much of a genius to understand something so simple.

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Your "facts" are false assumptions based on my posts that you took out of context and twisted to support your bologna.

It is even more obvious that you have no idea about the end game combat medic except to nerf us to the ground and make us useless for end game PVE content. Hard Facts.


There's no assumptions, you were DIRECTLY quoted. What part of that is too hard for you?


You wrote your opinions down, they were incorrect, consider yourself corrected, come again.

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Be more realistic of the game befor QQ. This is not a PVP game it's a PVE game!


If this is a PVE game how come there are classes that shine on both? Does that mean that they should be nerfed because they're not supposed to be good on both areas?


I enjoy both parts of the game and should not be restricted to one or the other. Hell I'd happily switch specs to be effective in PVE and PVP. Problem with that is Combat Medic is getting nerfed hard, and even the already mediocre Assault tree (for commandos at least) is taking a small hit by nerfing the Charged Bolts damage and not having that damage returned anywhere else.


Gunnery gets 10% buff to Demo Round but what about Assault devs? You're nerfing one of the most important attacks in their arsenals (you need charged bolts for chance to finish cd on High Impact Bolt) and not giving anything back to compensate for it. This is a nerf for both pve and pvp and it shows you how little they listen to players.


As dps spec commando in PVP, Gunnery still remains the "less sucky" of our specs. I have tried Assault spec in pvp and though it is fun to be have more mobility I took a huge dps hit and I still don't have an interrupt like every other class, still have the same mediocre defensive tools, rely way too much on RNG to be effective, and have a LOT less burst than Gunnery. So yeah you clearly don't want Gunnery to be effective in PVP so give us an alternative that doesn't suck.

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Please stop reading the patch notes and crying into your keyboards without thinking logically.


There are changes to Diminishing returns, Itemization changes including stat budgeting, new tiers of gear, changes to how the accuracy mechanic works and is applied, more diverse mods to play with and completely new changes to the mathematics of PVP and PVE in 1.2


Yes on paper it looks like a nerf but the above changes will probably negate the nerfs or in fact make us more powerful overall.


We have NO idea at all without way more details filtering through from testing how this will affect our class overall. Please try to keep an open mind.


Hugs and Kisses


1) Any "under-the-hood" changes that count as a buff and would offset the Combat Medic nerfs will also buff every other class.


2) Single-target max sustained HPS was very close between all classes in 1.1.5. I only have anecdotes for Sages, but my Scoundrel and Commando sims put them within ~20HPS of each other in equal gear, with Scoundrels slightly ahead. This was offset by Scoundrels being reliant on RNG, so that small advantage is only an average advantage over lots of iterations and it is certainly possible for the same Scoundrel to come out behind. Plus, healers hate RNG.


3) Since healers were comparable single-target and Sages ruled AoE, the massive nerfs to Commandos will absolutely put them behind those they were on-par with before for Single-target, and Sages will still rule AoE.


4) Universal buffs, if they existed, would buff everyone and would not change that relative position.


5) There are no universal buffs. The only stat that changed was Expertise. Item budgets on Rakata gear were actually nerfed, not buffed. See the testing thread in my sig for details (note that the item budget info is buried somewhere mid-thread and I haven't taken the time to dig it out yet and put it in the OP).


Do we have your permission to cry now?

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First of all... Commando do Single target heal! You have one AoE heal and it's not the best heal you have by far!


Doing solo heal make your job way harder to Heal a lots because you have to change target. Those Sage dosent need to do that because there best heal and a ground stuff that heal a lots.


But that dosent mean you are weaker because you do less healing... First you have the best solo target heal! No one can survive more then a Commando healer in any PvE... Any Sage in a PvE environement need way more protection from other then a commando... I just have to think the last boss of each Ops. They do a lots of AoE attack and that kill easy those sage cause they dont have good armor VS a power tank metal armor healer!


You have more HP then any healer, you have more Armor then any healer... What do you want more... Be better healer??? You already are a better class! Yes in PvP you might have a hard time... You dont have any Interupt, you can't stealth, nothing to really push an ennemie far enough to be usefull. But Think about it... In PvE those think are useless for boss fight... This is not the job of an healer to interupt monster... Stealth is useless cause you need to heal, not run.


Be more realistic of the game befor QQ. This is not a PVP game it's a PVE game!


Do you play a CM in end game PvE?

Well I don't, not because I'm not a lv50 CM, I am. But because I can't get in a PuG to save my life and my guild is pretty much DoA. Extra armor and HP is great if your going to get targeted but how often is a healer going to get targeted in a well run party? Even with any boss AoE damage, heads up play will go a long way to reduce healer damage. So in PvE as a main healer all that extra HP and armor don't mean squat. I'd give up a great portion of my extra HP if it meant I was a more viable MH in end game content. The other problem with your argument is your idea that being a single target healer is nothing but gravy. And it is if you tank heal and nothing else. But if you have to bounce your heals around being a single target healer gets old quick, real quick. As well the main trade off in MMOs for being a single target healer has been great efficiency. Why? because again when you have to bounce heals around you start to burn your resources real quick. With the CM regen nerfs that's going to be more problematic.

Now all that applies to being a MH in a 4 man or a tank healer in a 8man+. If your an off heal that's different and being a heal/DPSer is great as you can flip between the 2 as needed. But that has it's own draw back, who want's a so-so healer and so-so DPSer all rolled into one in a Boss fight? Most players don't have the imagination to see the possibilities that brings so find it easier to keep to the old "holy triad". As well CMs don't really have any must need abilities so picking us becomes mandatory. If we were the only class with a battle rez then all the other nerfs wouldn't hurt us as much.

And that is at least my if not many other CMs worry. Why take us along on the ride if we're more of a liability then a enhancement in a end game party?


Bottom line there's not much reason to take a CM even pre 1.2. Add the reaction to even the current speculation about CM viability and we're all ready getting passed by. What do you think will happen post 1.2? Even if we become the best healer in the game, which come on, only an idiot would think that'll happen, we'll have to overcome all the bad speculation over CM healing. As it stands everyone that has actually tested the CM regen nerfs on the PTS has said the same thing. We lose about 30% of our over all healing. How will that fact get us a healing spot in a party?

It won't and that's the problem. Once any class/build is forced to sit on the side lines they're hooped because even if they get fixed they're so far behind in the progression of end game content that it's useless trying to get them up to speed.


If the regen nerfs go threw as they are CMs will become useless until the first expansion drops. Anyone want to wait till then? Not me.

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