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"Best" current combat medic build


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I'm fresh commando ****** healer and I've not been able to found any recent combat medic build. So, can some of you experence one post here what build you are using for maximum healing? I have no intend to do much damage or kill ppl.


PS: take a note that I have rank 70+ chars, so don't need to explain me basic stuff; commando is just new experience for me and I'm using this build (I've been told it's for pve):




TY vm :)

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I personally play as: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRkRdcdzqZrckZo.1


Allows you to throw out a little more burst via Charge Bolts to assist DPS when that is needed. With Muzzle Fluting + SSC they cost no ammo.


I'm generally underwhelmed by alacrity in PvP, if you have ~10% from gear/skills and with the 50% change for +5% from crits it's up almost all the time (ANY healing crit can proc first responder, med probe or hot)


Bonus self healing during Reactive Shield is a little overkill if you have 300+ expertise since you can free cast outside of stuns/mez.


But like was already said, it's hard to go wrong with a skill spec as long as you have any justification behind it, just providing mine for you.

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This is what i use




and its aimed at survivability which should be your main concern considering the current meta game. Melees are really racking it up and you should amp up your staying power whereever possible. Our healing output is more than fine as is, even with that build. And Med Zone is by no means overkill, but more or less required to survive a melee train. Dont hamper yourself with PVE gear, not worth it at all.

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