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The Saga of Darth Eminok: The Death of the Light


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As Rise to Power needs serious editing. I've more likely decided that I should instead start from the very beginning of it all. Thank you and I hope you enjoy my work.


This Book will be told from the views of two characters:

Landra - Jedi - No spoilers - Light brown hair, somewhere on the verge of orange. Skinny build, like a body type 2. No cosmetics. Green eyes, but yellow encircling the green due to experiences in chapter 1. Brown and yellow robes. Light skin, but slightly corrupt (due to chapter 1). Female. Has a confident, eager-for-battle, charming personality... smart too and good in persuasion. Mainly light-sided, but will make some dark choices in some specific situations. Landra is 23 years old.



Eminok - Sith - No spoilers - Black hair. Like a body type 3, about 7 ft tall with a lot of muscle. Red eyes, with a bit of yellow encircling it. Metallic black and red armor. White skin, with a completely corrupt face. Male. Has a signature lightning that is black on the inside and has a red outside. Has an overconfident, insane with power, cruel, spiteful persxonality, also very sadistic. Enjoys mindless killing. Eminok's age is unknown, but his appearance makes him look as if he is in the bracket of of his 20's.


:csw_guard:Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End.








IT formed in a remote location of the jungles of Tython, not very far from which the jedi temple was located. The dark side was encircling a particular area of the jungle, clashing violently around and causing plants to shrivel up and die. As shadows flew up from the ground, flashes of darkness bombarded the air, which seemed to eliminate oxygen. Storms of electricity ravaged trees and animals alike (as well as some very unlucky flesh raiders), decimating their corpses into nothing. Wisps of chaos flew around, leaving behind a deathly trail. Black clouds covered the sun and the deep, clear blue noon sky. The smell of death replaced the lovely smell of flowers and eerie crackling replaced the chirps of the birds and other animals. It was a very dark day.


At the center of the storm, it was purely violent. So violent that it was impossible to enter without getting torn into separate atoms and particles. From the center came a flash of darkness that turned half a mile of jungle into rock and magma. the Dark side swirled around and around and formed a horrible manifestation that has been translated into Eminok.


Eminok was of a human species, but beneath that material body was infinite power of the dark side. He was fully armed in a black metallic sith armor with a hood, metallic leggings, gloves, triangular shoulderpads and a chaotic lightsaber (that would mutilate many). The perfect combination to fit his corrupted face and red eyes.


Eminok fell to the floor and landed softly on his knees, hungry for something to kill. Then, as if right on cue, came a small group of jedi padawans which were (clearly) unaware of what had taken place. "Landra, who-- what is that?" one of the padawans said. A female, who was clearly Landra, spoke up, "Quiet Zakkh, let me handle this." Landra turned to the now standing Eminok, lightsaber in hand. "Name yourself, stranger, and put down your weapon. Immediately!" Eminok smiled in a truly evil smile, "Oh? I'm guessing I should be afraid of a group of hopeless Jedi wannabes in the middle of the jungle? Believe me, you may have been able to brave the creatures and dangers of the jungle... but I am not a creature nor a danger... I'm a monster. So in retaliation to your meaningless words I suggest you put your belongings down so I can kill you while laughing in an insane manner. The jedi murmured in confusion and fear. "I will warn you one last time or you force me to attack! Put down your weapon!" Landra retorted and her lightsaber was pointed at Eminok, but she was shaking. Eminok laughed and nearly fell over, which very much surprised the padawans, 'Oh please... I welcome it... no, I recommend it! Ha!" Eminok put his arms out in a gesture of taunting. Landra twitched, "I had warned you! You should have surrendered while you had the chance! Attack!" The entire group took out their weapons and flipped into the air, leaping at Eminok, who had instantly drawn his lightsaber.


Eminok laughed in mock as he severed the torso of the first padawan to charge, causing a look of terror to form on the remaining padawans. He used the force to grab two more and then slam them together and on other objects for amusement. As another three approached, Eminok flung his lightsaber at one, impaling the heart of the target, and for the next padawan he electrocuted her and then sent her flying off into the air only to come back down again with a horrible bang. For the last one of that wave Eminok removed the limbs of the padawan with both his lightsaber and the force. This left Zakkh and Landra as the only two survivors of this assault.


Zakkh backed down a bit in fear, but Landra had a battle-ready face on and was not going to easily back down. "Surrender, Landra, please! Just surrender! We're beaten!" Zakkh begged to Landra. Landra was very confident, "Zakkh, run! Now! I'll deal with this trash!" Landra took a confident step forward and motioned for Zakkh to run immediately. Zakkh started sprinting away, but Eminok grabbed him like iron with the force and pulled him back right into his lightsaber. In Zakkh's final moments, all he said was, "Landra, remember that... that I..." before he fell silent. "ZAAAAAAA***KHHH!" Landra screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You monster! You monster! You killed him! YOU KILLED HIM! I WILL KILL YOU! I will destroy you!" Landra was in a rage.


Eminok laughed as he kicked off the corpse of Zakkh from his lightsaber as a now enraged Landra charged him. "I sense the dark side in you... how good." Eminok clashed blades with Landra. "Yes... let it fuel you. Let your emotions fuel you. Let your hate give you power! Give in!" Eminok kicked Landra away. Landra yelled, "I won't allow you to breathe... I'll make sure to burn your soon to be steaming corpse. I will decimate all you have! I will destroy it all! I will destroy YOU!" She was in completely blind anger. "You're very dumb for a jedi, even for a padawan. How easy you fall to the dark side. Hmm... it's fun to watch. I can easily defeat you... your rage has blinded how you fight... how you think... all of it. Pure waste of a person... but I suppose I can play a bit longer." Eminok retorted in mock.


Sparks flew from their blades as they slashed, twirled, stabbed, blocked, parried, deflected, spun, and kicked. Eminok skillfully ducked a stab and then he sweeped Landra off-balance and onto the floor, then he jumped up and prepared to impale his lightsaber in her back. In a split second Landra rolled out of the way and jumped up to slash at Eminok but found herself in the air simply a moment later, crashing into a tree quite painfully. In the next second Eminok threw her off the tree and slammed her (brutally) into the tip of a very large, very sharp rock. Fortunately for Landra, she broke free of the grip and rolled off the side of the rock back into a Juyo form (which is considered the aggresive stance, lowering defenses but bolstering offensive capabilities). To retaliate this action, Eminok entered a Makashi form (Which was focused on lightsaber combat and defense as well as dodging). As they battled, eventually both force-users were slightly injured and armor minimally damaged.


Eminok was getting angry at the jedi's attacks and resistance against being killed quickly and easily. In a final attempt to eliminate Landra, Eminok charged a push with the force so deadly that it would knock down trees and uproot plants. Landra was meters away, but was gaining ground quickly. "I'll kill you!' Landra leaped up into the air and was aiming for Eminok's head, but just as she was about to make a brutal cotnact with her lightsaber, Eminok released his fatal charge of force energy, sending for flying into an already airborne tree, which hit the ground and rolled and rolled (whic hwas probably gruesome for Landra.


Just so Eminok can have more fun, however, he stopped the tree and Landra with the power of the force and brought them both back to him. He found Landra dazed and the tree useless, so he threw the tree away. "Now you see my power. I had given you the chance to die quickly... but it seems that you enjoy the hard way. I will let you live... for now... but not without taking something from you." Eminok said in an angered voice to Landra. Yet the stubborn jedi replied, "Haven't you taken enough? I will never forgive you... never! I'll kill you one day and--" Eminok had shut her mouth with the force. "Enjoy this, then!" Eminok raised his lightsaber high and swung it down on Landra's right arm, severing it from its place. He then withdrew his lightsaber and prepared for a slash to the right. Within a few moments he laughed and swung, cutting off Landra's lower body, which included legs and everything. During this duration Landra had screamed ridiculously amusingly (in Eminok's opion). The evil Eminok then slammed the poor jedi into the ground and kneeled before the (fortunately still-living body), "I want to encounter you again, so I'll contact the jedi temple to send a rescue." Eminok reached for Landra's left wrist and he pressed a button on her comm, which started beeping repeatedly. A sign that her signal was sent. "Now rot, jedi, rot. Let me go kill inhabitants of this pathetic planet without interruptions." Eminok maliciously walked away from the body of Landra, heading in a direction in which he sensed to be humanoid life.


It was hours before Landra was rescued by a team of Republic medics and jedi alike. "What..? Blast it! What happened here?!" A medic exclaimed. "Don't worry." A jedi placed his hand on the body of Landra. "She's still alive... but barely, if we hurry and get her to a medical bay we can make sure she survives. Let's move." Four medics placed Landra on a girney and rushed off, back to the jedi temple in hopes of saving Landra's life.







(Thank you for reading this chapter, folks, the next one will come out in only 5-8 days. Leave your comments and criticism about my work and if I made any mistakes or you want to send a shout-out. Thank you for your time, again.)

Edited by Darth_Eminok
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(Tension was filling me, so I've decided to officially release chapter 2 early. You'll see some better writing here.)


:sy_lightside:Chapter 2: Reborn:sy_lightside:


Upon Landra's awakening, she was blinded by searing light when she opened her eyes. She could not grasp her surroundings clearly for she was seeing triple. She reached out aimlessly at the vague figure, a medic she figured, standing at the terminal in the corner of the white room. Upon not reaching the attention of the medic, Landra grunted slightly. This got the attention of the medic, and when he (she had figured) turned around he flailed his hands about and ran out the door adjacent to the terminal. Landra suddenly realized she couldn't hear herself, for no sounds emanated from her mouth when she tried to speak.


It was only

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