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Ok, piece of advice number one, dont ever join a guild with the arrogant kinds of people who basically told you to go pound sand; they're not worth your time and certainly not worth listening to. Piece of advice number two, in spite of the arrogant tone of the answers you got, yes, Sent's require a bit more effort and time to learn and get good at. If you enjoy the storyline, there are many options for you and if you dedicate a little time to it, you can learn the mechanics and do fine (in spite of the elitism you experienced here).


To actually answer your question, there is nothing I read that would imply we are going to get more buttons, nothing at all. A minor few "may" change in terms of their function, but the person that said we'll probably get more is just being a troll to you- ignore that.


Finally, there is the issue of "too many buttons" to begin with. I do very well as a Sent, not the best but good, solid crits, good numbers, feel like I have a decent feel for "my playstyle". Why am I telling you this? Just because we can buy lots of abilities does not mean we have to or should. Nor does it mean that we have then use all of our abilities. In fact, in the case of Sents, that actually gets rather counterproductive and leads to lots of dirt naps.


If you picture your core center two level tool bar, the one in the bottom middle, everything I need can be found (with one exception) in that tool bar. There like 2-3 rarely used abilities I have on a side tool bar and there is a whole lot I dont use at all, that some Sent's love.


So, point one, just because we have a ton of abilities doesnt mean we need to buy them all and use them all. As a Focus spec, I bought what helps me the most.


Second point, very helpful for me. Our minds are creatures of habit, its how our brains are wired. Whether you key mash or button mash or both, you want to keep key abilities in the same locales. So, for example, all of the interrupts I use regularly are in the second row center. My main damage specials in the middle center. My set-ups, such as Exhaust and Stasis, stacked (stasis below Exhaust) sort of to the left, leaps far left, heals and escape clauses far right (camo, Guarded, etc). Repetition is the mother of skill, because those "themes" are always located in the same location, since Level 1, Ive been training my brain to react automatically to any given situation with the needed response. This helps A TON.


In review:


-Ignore trolls, they are what they are and in the case of TOR, their like moss, they've crept up all over the place.


-If you love the story, find a class and spec that you'll enjoy and go have fun.


-If you like a challenge and want to stretch yourself a bit, Sent is fabulous and great fun, once you get the hang of it. Search these forums for guides and insider tricks of the trade, there are people willing to help.


-Learn your spec and only purchase/use the abilities you need. Its very counterintuitive, but less is more, meaning- you only need a couple stacks if abilities, two bars and you'll rock the house.


-Organize your key mashing or mouse mashing into themed areas, as I noted, to train you brain to automatically go where it needs to for escape abilities, or interrupts, whatever.


May The Force Be With You!


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