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I am a lvl 13 commando healer and loving it..but should I quit now?


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Currently lvling a scoundrel lol. Medics gonna be useless in 1.2 patch. They have the least CC and survivability, we are the best single target heal but now that BW gonna nerf heals and ammo efficiency, we have nothing. Medics post 1.2 will be even worse than scoundrel pre 1.2.


Bioware is biased towards Lightsaber wielders, period. Every muthafarker is rolling jedi/sith, but i dont plan on being part of the muthafarkers.

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Change game alltogether op, healers aren't welcome here.


And if you plan on staying, unless you're fine with just gunnery pve dps, change class, because even if you don't heal, commando pvp even as dps is awful: 0 survivability, and ludicrous los/interrupt weaknesses.

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Things are fine now and will be fine after the patch, even if nothing changes. If you prefer to base your game decisions on forum gossip and whining, don't just stop playing your commando, stop playing MMO's altogether. Break out your Xbox of Playstation.


Aside from the dig against consoles, I agree with this. If your solution to balance changes you have not even tried yet is to quit playing a class, then you may as well quit playing MMOs altogether because the only thing more predictable than balance changes in an MMO is the rising and setting of the Sun. Even then, the Sun will eventually go nova, but MMO balance changes will always happen. If you cannot roll with the waves of balance adjustments in an MMO, then you have no business playing MMOs.

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if you are dead set on heals, re-roll now. take a close look at sage and smuggler. I think smuggler heals will be over the top good after this 1.2 thing, as the notes are now.


reroll !! i deleted my 50 commando medic in disgust.

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Any reason to level anymore since commando healers after 1.2 are going to be a joke right?


Ya know what, you're right, CM's will be completely useless after 1.2 launches, this is confirmed by the masses playing lvl 50 geared CM's on the PTR.. Oh wait.... That was a selective invite process.. And best I can tell, less than a handfull of them have bothered to post anything, and half of those said they adjusted fine.


But yes, by all means, listen to the baseless speculation and give up on commando all together, the less of you there are, the less I have to worry about rolling against you for new gear.

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