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WZ is not about skill, gear or classes it about winning in the end!


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I agree in pvp is more fun playing equal or as eq it can be in the balance between classes, but i´m a winner type of player and like to try to get the best the game can offer. (not winning in wz i mean more like in game overall)


The fact that there is some gear, pet or something that i have to really struggel to get givs me some sick nice feeling;)


At this point it has been the pvp-gear just because the feeling when in centurion gear and a Full BM player just runover u feeling givs me some kind of enjoy even when getting run´d over, cant explain it better, but all cred to him;)


Have some problem with the idea that by giving people the same gear will stop the complaining more likley they will complain over there class being nerfd or something like that instead. fact is that pvp as it is formed now is not a good measur of being a good player or not so many factors in play, like the sniper in the background the focus on the player u trying to kill maybe focus on ball instead of u!?


My wiev of pvp in wz is more of a team effort, i can get killed a million time if it means that my team is winning, if u want to get equal or try your skill DUEL other classes or for best result the same of u to see if u are better at using your talents than the opposit player!


WZ is more being streetsmart in the area and using the enviroment and your teammates skills to your benifit in winning, like who hasen´t been killed by laughing player when they are 3 against u solo! Thats life;)


My hope was that a bigger focus in wz would be placed in team efforts and that way be abel to get gear or things. It will be more of a sport if like to get a cheast peice u need 100 wins, and take away the group option only 2 group at same time so there will be a fair chans for players new to game or in smaller guild! The gear dosent have to be better then the other but my winner focus can for an ex be to get the golden armour that only "1000" wins give u, it would say more about me than anything else, there is that teamplayer that really now how to win, and the medel seeker can go around wearing same stat but in other color and uglyer stuff(more por in its custome).??


Just a thing in my mind;)


Love this game and for u in game if u get run down by a Powertech its me;)


That way u see it as it is a strategic play whit others and not a measur of how good u are at getting medals!

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