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1.2 will be the beginning of the end for this game.


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Will it be free tho?


if ur talking about th patch, then yes, it will be free. if it wasnt tht would be BS and they'd lose subs. also, if t wasnt free they woulda said so by now.


ANYWAY, the creator of this thread & anyone who agrees w/him/her is nuts. This patch is GOOD. balancing classes andding content + more, how the heck is tht going to lose subs? I thhink tht the only person to canel their sub because of this patch is u, lol. Plus, the world doesnt revolve around u, its not like they're gona make this game to what u want and only what u want, yes, they made some changes I'm not tht happy about, what can I do bout it? nothing, except send in some suggestions via customer service, but thts not gona do much... thts MY opinion, like or not idc, but this patch looks AWESOME and is going to be a GOOD thing... :cool:

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Yeah, because every other MMO released nowadays is totally balanced and fair to all classes.


You may not know this, but a lot of MMOs coming out have a lot of problems they need to fix because MMOs are the Raid Boss of Game Design. Expect changes, and expect a lot of **** to roll downhill right ontop of your head. But guess what, that's why there's 7 other classes to choose from. And if you ONLY want to play that ONE class, well that's your personal preference, but the fact that you have options you refuse to utilize tells me you just want everything to yourself.


You people are eventually going to have to re-learn the fact that even WoW had a some pretty horrendous balance issues when it came out, and sometimes still do. This game isn't even HALF A YEAR OLD.


*********** MMO gamers nowadays are so spoiled and aren't willing to put the time and dedication into a game that they have the option to do so. It's why eveyone moves back to WoW, or w/e game they used to play, or start talking about how great other games look (Although I have to agree, while playing the Beta Tests I was very impressed with TERA).


Stop expecting everything to be done and fixed with the snap of your fingers. Class is broken? Either try to make up for it with personal skill, optimization, teamwork or whatever, or try a different class. The people who tough it out are going to be the most rewarded.


And on a final note, if you're playing this game, and not having fun, just leave. Seriously. There's no reason for "End of Days" posts like this to appear on the forums.


I agree with some of the things you say but you surely noticed this...


As exemple , smuggler scoundrel or Ia operative are unable to enter Ops most of the time because they cant dps like a sniper , merc , marauder etc. The only thing making them competitive in pvp was their burst , which the assassin got too while being in tank stance now. I dont mind tht the opening burst is lessened if something else is adjusted since the class is "lacking" something.


So here come patch 1.2 . The smuggler scoundrel that nobody wanted in raid because of their poor damage got another damage nerf (opening burst nerf) and dont get to be able to do a steady rotation with Ok damage.


While the Assassin tank is clearly overpowered right now, they dont fix it. While deception and madness tree are lacking , they are still lacking.


While the trooper got mortar volley and full auto broken since beta , they are still broken up to date and no fix in 1.2 so far.


while marauder were already in a good spot , their spot is even better now


while tracer merc were annoying , they can still be if they put alacrity. They lose a bit damage but they will still be devastating and the problem isnt fixed, its a one button class.


while the sorcerer are realyl powerful (i dont say unkillable) both in healing and in damage, they arent hit really hard on the nerf as for healing nor in dps. Yes i have read the change but it will just make you work for your mana a tad more, nothing drastic.


So i was expecting perhaps more interesting balancing out of 1.2. Its perhaps because i was already burned by the same situation that im afraid to see it happen again. (you get the joke? Bright Wizard, burn? hehe... ). Most of us played warhammer and saw the same thing happening.


Powerful class get more powerful while Weak class get more weaker.


Sorcerer stay powerful (or assassin tank) while smuggler get down every patch to a point where they cant be useful anymore as dps in pve ... nor in pvp if 1.2 hit like that.


Bright wizard stay powerful and get buffed every patch, leading to a full WZ of bright wizard while the magus started ok to good if you knew how to play it right (smuggler) and get nerf every patch. Even when the class was weak and pathetic, every patch they kept nerfing him until the class was not playable anymore. At one patch the magus was sooo pathetic, he couldnt quest anymore at max level if you didnt have OP gear, it was that broken.


So im not happy about 1.2 so far


legacy abilities? only in heroic moment each 20min ... heh? wth is the purpose of that, waste of time develeopement and balance...


Most of the new armor set are bad looking. Inquisitor , smuggler , Ia , consular (really blend but not that bad looking).


More pets? why do i care , they dont give bonus, more content that is playable then having a small "i do nothing" at my feet.


Leaderboard , I do pvp alot but i would prefer more time on balance and new WZ then having a leaderboard.


etc. etc. etc.


Why if im so against it i dont leave? Just waiting for may 15 my dear :)

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Hello everyone!


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to post your suggestions there!


We also encourage you to please log on to the Public Test server and give us your constructive feedback in the Public Test Server forum regarding your experience.


You can find instructions to get you started here: Welcome to the Public Test Server!


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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