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1.2 Combat Medic: Why you shouldn't panic just yet.


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Like most Combat Medics that read the patch notes, my initial reaction was a little shocked. We definitely need to be tuned a bit, but on paper the straight nerfs across the board look very heavy handed and unnecessary. However, after thinking about it some more I've come to this conclusion: We don't have enough info to assume we just got nerfed super hard.


There are 2 major things to take into consideration both for pve and pvp.




We don't yet know how well the itemization is on the new sets of gear. If the new stats are sufficiently high and the itemization (i.e. less alacrity more other surge/crit/power) is good enough, this will probably negate the nerfs to our heals.




We don't yet know the set bonuses for the new gear. The set bonuses might help alleviate the nerfs to our ammo or perhaps give us some utility that makes up for the nerfs.


As for me, I'm not going to worry about it just yet. I'm downloading the pts as we speak.

Also these notes aren't final. EVERYTHING could be changed as far as we know, once the patch goes live.


So, fellow combat medics, don't freak out and cry foul just yet! :] Wait for more info to be released!


P.S. I am, however, upset that fun got nerfed! :< Doesn't look like I'll be able to do much dps anymore!

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I'm sorry DLeeTMe, did you just say that the nerfs may not be so bad because Tier 2 Raid gear may make up for it? That sounds just a little ridiculous. How about those Combat Medics that aren't running the Tier 2 raid yet? Do we just not count, we just need to tough it out and DPS our way to Tier 2 raids so that we can eventually, after enough runs, have the armor sets that make it possible to heal half-competantly?


My tone may come off a little hostile, and I apologize for that. While I find the specifics of what you said ridiculous, it's well intended and the aim is about right. We shouldn't panic because a patch on the PTS doesn't mean a patch on Live. There's still time to abjectly object to the changes and get them fixed.


As of typing this, I have a level 29 Combat Medic and I still plan on leveling her. Will she be utterly useless if 1.2 goes out just like the PTS Notes say? Possibly. But there's a challenge in that. Sure, I'll probably still end up DPSing for anything I'd want to do end game, but I can suck that up. DPS as a Trooper is fun too.


I suppose what I'm trying to say is that gear and armor sets won't offset Ammo problems unless gear is suddenly giving us more Ammo or Ammo Regen. Even if the gear doubles the strength of our heals, only having 6-7 in a fight before you have to spam Hammer Shot just won't cut it. The nerfs, on paper, look obscene and poorly selected. Who knows, in practice they may actually work quite nicely, but all we've got is the paper right now.

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I think you're overreacted a bit. The actual nerfs to our healing aren't -that- bad. Sure, they are too much imo, but nothing game breaking. However, the ammo nerf is something I'm definitely concerned about.


As far as my comments towards the pve/pvp gear(I'm referring to ALL the new endgame gear for commandos, not just pve), I was simply saying that Endgame wise, the gear might help offset some of the nerfs. I do believe bioware has said the new mods/gear are a substantial upgrade to that of the current endgame pve/pvp gear. What I'm thinking right now is that the new gear actually may have made Commando's a bit op in their current state and so they nerfed us to keep us in line. This is something that happens ALL the time in MMO's.


As for you comments about those who don't have the end game gear, I'm sorry to say it but MMO's are usually balanced around endgame progression. I do sympathize that the nerfs might hurt those not in the best gear, especially pre-50 commandos trying to level as Combat Medic. I do agree this could be potentially problematic.


Again, I'm not saying the nerfs are ok, I'm simply saying everyone should settle down and wait until more info is released (end game wise) before we panic.


If, however, once that info is released and it looks like we're screwed, then yeah... I will be quite annoyed.

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We got nerfed hard. There's no if ands or buts about it.


Our combo of AMP+MP which costs 3 ammo now, will cost 4 after patch. That is a 33% increase in cost. Do you realize how massive that is?


SCC also got a massive nerf. Everything about it got cut in half. Probe--which already blows--now cost 2 ammo. ***?


Ya all this stuff could change, but most of it won't.

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Classes should never be balanced on the expectation that tier bonuses will make them work as intended.


Again, I'm not referring to -just- the bonuses. The bonuses are just that... bonus, and so they may add a bit of helpful convenience.



People aren't taking into consideration the new stat itemization and gearing.


Everyone does understand that classes canNOT stay static forever as the gear continues to scale upwards, right? As gear gets better so do the classes and if we stay static, chances are the we'll be OP and unbalanced. I mean, can you imagine a Tracer/Grav spammer that never got rebalanced and continued stacking surge/power? It would become absolutely ridiculous.


As new gear comes out and stats get boosted it will ALWAYS be necessary for classes to be rebalanced.


People need to settle down and wait and see what's going to happen before freaking out.


I know I could be wrong and we're just completely screwed, I'm just saying... calm it down and take a deep breath.

Edited by DLeeTMe
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Again, I'm not referring to -just- the bonuses. The bonuses are just that... bonus, and so they may add a bit of helpful convenience.



People aren't taking into consideration the new stat itemization and gearing.


Everyone does understand that classes canNOT stay static forever as the gear continues to scale upwards, right? As gear gets better so do the classes and if we stay static, chances are the we'll be OP and unbalanced. I mean, can you imagine a Tracer/Grav spammer that never got rebalanced and continued stacking surge/power? It would become absolutely ridiculous.


As new gear comes out and stats get boosted it will ALWAYS be necessary for classes to be rebalanced.


People need to settle down and wait and see what's going to happen before freaking out.


I know I could be wrong and we're just completely screwed, I'm just saying... calm it down and take a deep breath.


Uh...the new gear will have more endurance too, so as classes do more damage, classes will have more hp to balance it out too. Also, almost every stat has DR.

Edited by Smashbrother
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lol I should have known being the voice of reason would end up like this.


It's funny how everyone is convinced we're screwed and no one really knows how it's going to go.


Oh well you guys have fun complaining and whining about stuff you don't actually know anything about now.


Come 1.2 I'll be figuring out how to be the best commando I can. Nerfs or no nerfs.


Bed time.

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rofl... I knew I shouldn't have looked at this one last time xD


Go look at all the other forums. Virtually EVERYONE... no exception is complaining of being nerfed.


THere are RIP threads everywhere.


Do you really think we're just being nerfed for no reason or that there isn't something we don't know yet? lol


If so... I can't really argue with that lol.


Bioware just hates us amirite?! The programmers don't know anything and you know everything! Right!? lol


Whatever man. I'll still be doing my thing come 1.2.


Go unsub if you're so sure you know how to balance this game (which you clearly don't... because you don't understand the concept of new gear = a rebalance for almost all classes... ALL the time).


Now I'm going to bed for good.


Enjoy the QQ'ing.

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rofl... I knew I shouldn't have looked at this one last time xD


Go look at all the other forums. Virtually EVERYONE... no exception is complaining of being nerfed.


THere are RIP threads everywhere.


Do you really think we're just being nerfed for no reason or that there isn't something we don't know yet? lol


If so... I can't really argue with that lol.


Bioware just hates us amirite?! The programmers don't know anything and you know everything! Right!? lol


Whatever man. I'll still be doing my thing come 1.2.


Go unsub if you're so sure you know how to balance this game (which you clearly don't... because you don't understand the concept of new gear = a rebalance for almost all classes... ALL the time).


Now I'm going to bed for good.


Enjoy the QQ'ing.


Uhh like all the classes got buffs or stayed the same dude. Sages and commandoes only ones that got nerfed badly.


As for your sarcastic *** "programmers don't know anything" comment, if they did know what they were doing the classes wouldn't have needed buffs/nerfs in the first place.

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The increased ammo cost is what's going to break Commando Healing. It's difficult as it is and now no longer viable. It's a HUGE nerf, no matter how you put it.


Too bad, the only real option now will be running around as Gunnery Commando.. which is just plain boring and even that got major changes for the worse. The only one good CC we have nerfed!

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What irks me is the fact that we were already considered, albeit largely incorrectly, lesser healers in the eyes of many, yes they may have been ill informed but the fact that they were wrong didn't change the fact that they wanted a sage healing them did it? With all this bad press we are gonna have to rebuild our healing reputation as well as completely change our rotations.


Our AOE healing has improved slightly for groups in that we can now potentially heal the entire group at once, provided they are all standing within an 8m radius of course, but our Ops AOE healing is scarcely improved as without any form of smart targeting half of KBs heals will go to players who are on full health.


Added to this our large hits to our crits, the loss of much of our burst healing capability and the nerfs to KBs extra features, this patch has gone from something I was hugely looking forward to to something I am dreading.


I won't quit now or unsubscribe (though I think plenty will and I can understand where they are coming from) and I will see how it works out once the patch comes out but most of these changes feel horribly unecesary, the increase to KBs no. of targets is about the only positive thing and it doesn't even come close to out-weighing what we've lost.

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As for command the only nerf is to 10% in damage to GR and CB and a 10% damage buff to DR. So everything else stays the same for pve. there was a masive nerf in pvp survaiavability. Only thing i loled at was "Tracer Missile has been rebalanced in order to encourage more active gameplay rotations" TR = GR, what more active rotation ? The only alternative to GR ia CB and it suxs (less actual damage) compered to GR (you should be using FA, HiB and DR atm anyway to keep up ammo).


The nefs to medic on the other hand are gigantic. Reduction in amount of healing done i would understand but incrasing cost of heals is stupid. It was hard to keep ammo above 60% for full recharge. Now your ammo will be gone afer a few heals.

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Gear progression should not form the basis to rebalance class abilities. With PVP and PVE, it is more important to consistantly keep the skills. Just give lucklustering Tier II if they feel the healing is too overwhelming. No point only allowing Tier II equiped troopers to function only in PVP while the rest is basically useless.
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Greetings Combat Medics,


We know that a lot of players are eager to discuss the upcoming changes to your class. We are asking everyone to please join that conversation, already in progress, here:




We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback and your help in keeping these forums a bit more organized and user-friendly for your fellow Troopers!


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