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DPS Commandos reduced by 10%


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The only thing I got out of reading the patch notes was this: Grav Round and Charged Bolts are having their damage reduced by 10%. Muzzle fluting gets switched around with the base cost of CB/GR. Awesome, let's reduce the commando's damage and buff a marauder in nearly every aspect. ****.
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From a PvE stand point, i can understand it. I think we were a little overtuned in that department (going balls to the walls i was still managing to pull threat off our tank in HM ops) PvP wise tho, i think it is going to hurt us. Hopefully The 10% buff to DR will make it less noticable, but we'll have to see.


What i'm more concerned about is this


"Charged Barrier now provides 1% damage reduction per stack." Down from 2% per stack.

Taking 2% more overall dmg will be noticeable in PvP.


Not sure who was thinking that Gunnery commandos weren't squishy enough.... :rolleyes:

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The only thing I got out of reading the patch notes was this: Grav Round and Charged Bolts are having their damage reduced by 10%. Muzzle fluting gets switched around with the base cost of CB/GR. Awesome, let's reduce the commando's damage and buff a marauder in nearly every aspect. ****.


My guildmate has been complaining about sentinels for so long, he actually rolled a commando to DPS in operations.


It's the infinite wheel of "my class is worse than the others"


I say wait for 1.2 and play a Healer commando in hard modes, see what gives then. I do understand our grav round damage is nerfed by 10% but Demo Round is buffed by 10% and we get to use Full Auto more often with Curtain of Fire proc rate being boosted to a much higher percentage.


The big change now is that people thinking they can just sit and spam Grav Round will have to use Demo Round and Full Auto when available or fail miserably in PVP/PVE damage output.

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No dps will stay the same , infact will be a increase in DPS if more commando are present.

Cause demo round 10% will make up for the grav shot reduction.


Netgain unless they only fix gravshot stacking for demo round be max 5 applications.

Is a huge DPS gain and burst gain in PVP .


So that part they messed up already ...


The damage reduction I cannot understand and maybe will make me say F it .

Cause I don´t PvP , and if my dailies are getting harder cause of it , it ruin my enjoyment .


But DPS wise commando will come out ahead , since rotation is never only pure Grave Shot .


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No dps will stay the same , infact will be a increase in DPS if more commando are present.

Cause demo round 10% will make up for the grav shot reduction.


Hard to tell without proper tools to calculate...


I get 56% crit chance on my grav rounds in operations (36% + smuggler buff + stim + 15% grav round crit from rakata gear)


At first, I will lose 30% damage from my 3 grav round, to gain 10% on my first demo round.


Then, 3-4 more grav rounds at -10% damage before using my next demo round (15 secs cooldown).


I think that demo round + full auto being available more often will compensate but not demo round on it's own.

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Hard to tell without proper tools to calculate...


I get 56% crit chance on my grav rounds in operations (36% + smuggler buff + stim + 15% grav round crit from rakata gear)


At first, I will lose 30% damage from my 3 grav round, to gain 10% on my first demo round.


Then, 3-4 more grav rounds at -10% damage before using my next demo round (15 secs cooldown).


I think that demo round + full auto being available more often will compensate but not demo round on it's own.


No you do it wrong , you fire out graveshot immediatly followed by a demo round , then go another grave shot , fullauto buff usually pops up ,auto shot (if ammo is not on full 4 counter) free impact bolt (1 ammo costing that) gravshot then usually demo round is up again .

And if not i pop my 2 instant casting and free cell to throw a plasma grenade .


So if you wait 3 graveshot for full damage demo round , you waste the demo round cooldown . (gee so much to do as commando )


Don´t forget you only missing one instant shot (and I don´t count explosive round cause it is **** for damage in pve) or else you had like a huge opener .


Was hitting for 6.6 critical with 3 commando in raid (after surge nerf) so 10% means a lot if you ever are that many . and am not in full rataka gear yet main hand offhand and chest and legs helmet missing . all enhancement remoded tough to critical surge or power surge to hit the cap .


Oh btw does the 15% really works I was firing grave shot only for testing , it feels like yeah in combination with other shots , it does critical 50% but when only spamming grav shot , it still seems to be 35% (with smuggler buff)

Edited by Drake_Hound
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I've been thinkering with numbers for the past 20 minutes and I think your rotation would give me a better DPS output.


From what I see, you are using 8 cells before your hammer shot.. (grav round, demo, grav round, full auto), not sure that would work for me, since I already have 7% activation speed (12% for 6 seconds when I crit, from talent First Responder). I would have to slow down so much between your second grav round and full auto or I would fall under and spam hammer shot to get a few cells back everytime.



Here's my rotation:


Full Auto, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Demo Round (+25% damage from 5 vortex), Full Auto, reserve powercell/mortar volley, Grav Round, Grav Round, High Impact Bolt (+30% damage from 5 charged barrel).


I toss full auto when available (curtain of fire or not), make sure 5 gravity vortex are on target, use demo round on cooldown and work towards getting another 5 stacks of charged barrel before using High Impact Bolt.


I never get under 3/4 cell regen with steady casting.

Edited by Thekze
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first thing is these are PTR notes so nothings set in stone and their upping the proc rate of CoF so are already low mobility will be a bit lower but we'll be weaving more.


The notes say thay increas the proc chance of CoF from 30% to something. But it still has the 6s internal CD. You wont see much changes in how often you use FA.

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Hmm, i never thought about not using demo round right away as wasting a full CD cycle on it. What i wonder about tho is what kind of DPS your losing as a group by not immediately spamming 3 grav shots at the boss.


Personally, i try and get 5here stacks of the armor debuff up as soon as possible before going into my cycle. That way the rest of my ops is hitting as hard as possible as soon as possible.


imo reducing the targets armor by an additional 8-12% for the rest of my team will net more damage then a single demo round. Especially in the begining when everyone should be popping their relics / offensive CDs

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