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Honest question to the devs: Did you learn from huttball?


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you have to kill the ball carrier in Hutt ball... killing support healers too, and people that get ahead of the ball carrier... You do plenty of killing in hutt ball. Only problem with hutt ball is the massive advantage it gives to ranged in terms of killing...


wtb new hutt ball map

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Even a simple symmetrical capture the flag map, very easy to build and implement, would provide much needed variation on the few warzones available.


For a subscription based game 4 warzones is just too few.


More arenas to play Huttball in should also be launched ASAP.


Really there should be an absolute minimum of 6 warzones.


one hutt ball map is enough! that things bad already.



But yes WTB a normal Capture The Flag.


WTB Black Garden from RIFT.


The new warzone sounds pretty promising with the tug-o-war style caps...



I'm not sure if a Kill the Commander style warzone is needed here (AV from WoW).

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'You realize that WoW had only two BGs at launch and one was level based that you could not even play until level 50?'


This game is competing against WoW now, not WoW from 5 years ago.


In terms of 'bang for buck' warzones can be very quick to build and provide massive time sinks.

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I don't know how much time you spent balancing combat between the classes, but I'm guessing a lot. You even had the foresight to make mirrored classes, knowing it's impossible to balance "teams" with different abilities. After spending tons of man hours on this, you now need to sit down and make some PVP zones.


One person on your team says "let's make a zone where winning has NOTHING to do with combat!" (you know, the only thing you spent time balancing between classes)


No one stood up and said "well we if make a zone where mobility is the only deciding factor in winning and losing, we would need to balance class mobility, something we haven't done".


I really hope you have learned from this. If so, can you please assure us that in the future warzones will not be centred around abilitys only some classes have? I'm honestly afraid, based on your choices to this point, that one day I'll take my shadow (for example) to a warzone where the "cool unique" way to win is by shooting a target that is at range 30.


100% truth


'You realize that WoW had only two BGs at launch and one was level based that you could not even play until level 50?'


WoW didn't have any BGS at launch. WSG was implemented after, followed by AV.

Edited by Nonnolol
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I second the more Huttball maps post.


-Implement usable objects in some of the maps (turrets, grabbling hook to platforms, boxes you see in PvE that freeze or dmg players, etc). Different maps will have different items.


-Buff/Debuff aura around ball carrier. For example, having +5 allies within 15 yards of ball carrier will grant damage to allies within range and healing buff on carrier. Having +5 enemies within 15 yards of ball carrier will grant enemies damage buff and healing debuff on ball carrier. Now if both sides have 5 players near ball carrier, which ever side has the greater amount will receive the buff.


-Additional Valor/Commendations for the following: Scoring, assisting the scorer via healing, passing the ball that lead to scoring, intercepting the ball, death blow to ball carrier, assisted and killing the ball carrier, scoring without any assist, scoring without environmental dmg, etc.


-Different environmental zones and/or mobs. Ice that freezes unit in place, zones that will not let ball carrier to run or pass, zones so player can't sprint, leap, pull, jump, stealth, heal, or dps, etc. Perhaps have usable computer panels that will change zone debuff. Water stream/river that will carry player back to center of the map if they fall into it. Vines that randomly slap and knock you away. Random spaceships flying in dropping bombs. Mobs of droids that spawn and attack randomly or spawn and attack winning team for a brief time or until killed.

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