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Star Wars: The Clone Wars 4:22 "Revenge" Discussion


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Well before Ventress' life story was remade, based of the original Clone Wars mini-series a comic series called Obsession came out. It followed Anakin Skywalker pretty much being obsessed knowing that Ventress was somehow still alive, even though she should have fallen to her death. In the end of the comic series there is a massive battle on a planet who's name I can't recall where Ventress, fully rebuilt by the latest medical technologies and the darkside was in a kolto tank.


Ventress and Skywalker battled it out for awhile with it all ending with Skywalker stabbing her in the chest with his lightsaber...few panels later it shows a Republic medical shuttle in hyperspace carrying Ventress' corpse and other bodies. All of a sudden Ventress walks up to the cockpit (apparently the powers used to heal her can bring her back to life, or at least heal heavy wounds) and she tells the freaked out shuttle pilot to take her far away from the Republic and from the war...and that's how it ened with her. Ventress just tired of all the war, the death, etc, and just trying to get away from it to find peace.


TCW remake series really tarnished Ventress though....she was never a Nightsister, the Nightsisters weren't supposed to be destroyed, or at least dwindled down to a few survivors, and Ventress wasn't just some random assasin...she was Dooku's fully-time aprentice.


But at least in TCW, I would like to see her becoming more light-side, seeing that her new origin included being a Jedi at one point...


I know right? I am expecting a total retcon on Ventress's redemption next season.

Even Piell dying in the Citadel episodes is the biggest retcon I can think of.

Also Fett not caring about his mark being a child in "Bounty Hunters" was a retcon as all the way back to Fetts earliest appearances his soft spot was children, he let his marks go when he found out they looked out for children.

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I hope in the next season Maul does do some more *** kicking, but in the part where he uses the force to get the lightsaber from Opresse's hand you can see that it took him a bit of effort. So he might still be in the process of regaining his power/strength


True...but then why would he issue a challenge to fight Obi-Wan right then and there?...Seems he also like some brain cells.

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I know right? I am expecting a total retcon on Ventress's redemption next season.

Even Piell dying in the Citadel episodes is the biggest retcon I can think of.

Also Fett not caring about his mark being a child in "Bounty Hunters" was a retcon as all the way back to Fetts earliest appearances his soft spot was children, he let his marks go when he found out they looked out for children.


She was young, but she wasn't a kid. She looked older than Boba by a few years at least.


I also hope Ventress sticks to the anti-hero/grey path. If it means retconning the last stages of the war comics and the original cartoon, so be it.

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I dunno how I feel about this Episode. It was pretty good and I like the twist with Ventres being an unknown quantity. But something about how Maul was portrayed felt off. I always saw him as more ninja-like. The quiet assassin that sneaks up on you. But here he was sooo, vicious. I guess that is consistent with him being so rage filled. I imagine his future appearances will be a little more clever so I can live with it either way.


Not my favorite ending to a season. But all in all not bad.

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That was bacta, btw =)


Got the gist though didn't ya?


But yeah...in the end I hope TCW at least gives her a decent revamped ended..seeing that you know..technically Anakin fueled by rage was supposed to make Ventress fall to her death after making part of a ledge fall apart. :p

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Got the gist though didn't ya?


But yeah...in the end I hope TCW at least gives her a decent revamped ended..seeing that you know..technically Anakin fueled by rage was supposed to make Ventress fall to her death after making part of a ledge fall apart. :p

I hope her ending will mirror Obsession a bit... after aiding Obi-Wan, I hope she survives and just vanishes, goes off to the Unknown Regions away from everything like in the comic. I always had an idea that, after Mind Tricking the medship pilots into changing course, she becomes a wanderer in the Unknown Regions, bringing her own brand of justice to wild worlds...with ARC Trooper Alpha-17 by her side, of course, with his spine repaired by black market or Chiss Ascendancy technology, curbing her darker impulses as they right wrongs and stomp bad guys in that chunk of the galaxy the Reps and Seps don't pay any attention to.


Obviously I don't see that exactly happening with TCW's version of Ventress (let alone with Rex at her side, as he's the Alpha-17 stand-in for the show--reportedly only named 'Rex' instead of 'Alpha' because someone jokingly called them the 'A-Team' when looking at images of Anakin, Ahsoka, Artoo, and Alpha early on in the show's development), but having her leave the war, the Republic, the Confederacy, the Jedi, the Nightsisters, and the Sith behind would be great for the character. There's no reason or need to kill her off, let her master her own destiny for a change and leave her ultimate fate unknown to the characters or to us.

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