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I've got a level 50 sage and I've got a level 25 commando so i can only go based off what i have seen and heard, but even at level 25 i have all of my healing spells i do believe. Though I've noticed that both classes heal about the same amount, commandos i can see have regen issues whilst a sage does not. I constantly must watch my ammo while healing and i cannot spam heal a big heal for more than twice or my healing will start hurting...so i have an idea.


Using combat support cell to get supercharge cells, couldn't you just make it 15 charges instead of 30? It would increase commandos regen in my opinion, cause it's more easily attainable. Also it might help to be able to target ourselves with hammer shot...even though it is not necessarily correct sounding (pointing your gigantic huge gun at your face instead of at someone else would look weird theoretically speaking), it would be helpful....you guys up at BW could mix it up on the way to describe it lol.


These are just suggestions...please comment on what you guys think.

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At level 25 you don't have all the tools or talents. Field Triage, which reduces the cost of Medical Probe by 2 after casting Advanced Medical Probe is just one of them, not to mention you don't have Trauma Probe or Bacta Infusion which are both quite powerful.


Commandos are widely regarded as the strongest tank healers right now.


We don't usually have energy problems unless doing a significant amount of burst healing in a short time, in this case you can use Recharge Cells to get it all back.


The whole idea of all the energy classes (BH/IA/Trooper/Smuggler) is that you want to stay above 8 ammo the whole time, because you regenerate more slowly the lower your energy is.


Currently I love playing the class and I'm happy that BioWare was the first (if not, then one of the first) to successfully make a new resource model for healers other than just "a huge mana pool that slowly depletes over 10 minutes" and still have it be balanced and engaging to play.

Edited by Jenzali
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