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What future content do you want to see in SWTOR?


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1-A commerce system where we can buy some goods on a planet and sold them on another for profit. Legal goods available in starport, illegal goods for smuggling available with contact with the planet cantina bartender


2- A random mission system, including, buying/ selling goods, stealing, retake marchandise, bounty hunting , save people, assassinate, slice computer, give or take message, intimidation given randomly on 10 différent location per planet ( 17 planet X 10 location X 10 différent mission = around 1700 possible mission before having to do the same again). Will give a reason to player to return to lower level planet and travel all the time to planet to planet and give a "umlimited" content to the games.


3-Open free space exploration and combat system like freelancer.


4-Ship customisation ( exterior and interior and be able to name our ship)


5-Better looking equipement !

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I don't get how someone can wish for world PvP while at the same time wishing for flying mounts.


Flying mounts are the last thing you want if you expect world PvP.


Flying mounts benefit those who don't want to World PvP.


If everyone is using the mounts, that should tell you something about World PvP.

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Rancor Mounts

TaunTaun Mounts

Dewback Mounts

Chemlizard Mounts

More Mounts :)

No Flying Mounts, but better speeders, and customizable ships.

Enhancements that make more sense, less duplicates, less same named but different stats.

Mods and Shields that work for Darkness Assassin/Kinetic? Shadow AC specs.

Droids getting a voice modification **** program, so we'll see about that.

Better Companion AI.

More open space,

more sandbox.

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The future is dim.. I don't see TOR adding anything meaningful other them some credit fluff like legacy junk.. and a flashpoint here and there.. and a raid ever so often to keep the gear grinders happy... What you'll see is more of what Rift is doing.. patch releases to keep the carrot going..
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