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merc healer pvp spec???


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hey i just have a question for some of the experienced pvpers with merc healers... you guys think its worth it to use the point for kolto shell? or use it somewhere else. i am currently specced for it..but I find that i half-*** it with kolto shell forgetting in the heat of the moment to re-apply.also while i have this thread open. i dont spec at all for the extra 16 heat that you can vent on top of the vent heat cd.. i do find myself occasionally having heat problems. but im not sure if its worth it. thanks guys for reading.
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the extra 16 heat doesn't come in handy that often. I use kolto shell, but i normally apply it prefight (while running) or while I have to move and heal, and the other instant casts are down. I try not to reapply in battle when i can heal, as that introduces a lot of time before a heal will land on the target.
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Kolto shell is awesome IMO.


When someone picks up a ball, Shell em.


When one person is guarding a door in VS, Shell em.


When you're being constantly targeted, apply once every 20-30 seconds for a free 5-8k heal.



Free eh? Somebody hasn't read the patch notes.

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Kolto shell is amazing atm, I keep it up on myself 90% of the time in warzones as it's an extra layer of security, makes you virtually immune to DoTs and softens the blow of AoE damage.


If they do end up making it cost 16 heat in 1.2 however, I'm not so sure...

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ok..so it sounds like i just need to be a little more responsible about applying it during battles....i do apply it before a battle for example im dead and waiting to re-enter combat..ill apply all buffs available but heat of the moment i find myself forgetting about it.
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