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Leveled all the way thru Sentinel, now for Marauder


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So I have a Jedi Sentinel (watchman spec, it uses DoTs and burns) and I leveled through the game with it. I just started a Sith Warrior...I haven't finished Korriban quests yet but I plan on choosing Marauder for sure. I love melee dps classes the best, and Mara looks beast! Which spec is most like Sentinel watchman (DoT using burns)? Is it annihilation? If so, is that spec similar to the watchman spec, or should I expect to apply DoTs in a completely different way?


Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)

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They are mirrors. They are exactly the same. If you read the talents you would probably know that.


As I stated in my beginning post, I am just a Sith Warrior right now. I haven't chosen either Marauder or Juggernaut yet...yes I know I could have also gone to torhead and looked at the talent trees for Marauder, but I was just hoping to make an informed decision by asking somr seasoned players; Wasn't trying to start a flame session within the forums or anything.


I'm sure you all remember what it was like when you first started out; you couldn't have known everything and had to ask fot help.


I will try to watch what I ask on here from now on. I really didn't expect my question to get scoffed at

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it was just a question, no need to get all upity! I think elitest's can really ruin a community. a simple " they are mirrored " would have sufficed. plz don't judge all Mara's by the couple tools
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