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What stat is better to stack?


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Looking to increase my overall DPS. Should i be focusing more on AIM rather than Crit/Surge?



Current stats are:


Aim 1377

Endurance 1491

Expertise 688


Bonus DMG 345

Accuracy 98.16

Crit 29%

Crit X 73.4%


Spec is 7/31/3 and basically full Battlemaster gear minus guns.





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Looking to increase my overall DPS. Should i be focusing more on AIM rather than Crit/Surge?



Current stats are:


Aim 1377

Endurance 1491

Expertise 688


Bonus DMG 345

Accuracy 98.16

Crit 29%

Crit X 73.4%


Spec is 7/31/3 and basically full Battlemaster gear minus guns.






Your surge is optimum imo, crit level is okay but could be raised a bit more. I would raise accuracy to just over 100% and try and bump up your aim and power. If you haven't got your Rakata aim stim or I would work on that too. Endurance for survivability is also an option. If you're rolling Arsenal in PvP you should really wear 2 PvE pieces for that 15% tracer bonus. It's great.

Edited by Diddley
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Your aim and crit are extremely low for someone who is full battlemaster. Also you make it sound like there is a trade-off between aim and the other stats, there isn't. Aim only competes with endurance (on armorings and mods). You should have the aim-heavy piece every time, and your endurance is higher than your aim which sets off warning alarms. Enhancements are where you get the surge/power/acc and they have nothing to do with aim. Seeing as you're mainly pvping by the sounds of it, get rid of the accuracy and get more crit/surge/power, accuracy is dirt in pvp for arsenal mercs. Edited by Sinsavz
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See I thought accuracy was bad until someone told me to get it over 100% on this forum. You don't miss (okay not flawlessly) with rail shot and unload which is pretty vital. Plus, what else do you stack? The diminishing returns on surge mean getting past 73% is completely uneconomical.
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