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Market and Craft listing suggestion


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Market suggestion

Many people complain about the poor showing on the GTN and I think there are couple possible solutions. First, I know as a crafter that it is very frustrating to make something, hang it on the GTN and after 2 days have to do it all over again. A suggestion would be to increase the amount of time items are on the GTN. I realize that the developers probably deliberately kept it small thinking there would be too many items on the GTN and they wanted to be able to keep a smaller number of items listed for a variety of purposes. Another possible solution might be to make it possible for players who are after a particular mod, enhancement, or other types of items to be able to place a buy order for items they are interested in. Then I as a crafter would be able to go and see what people are interested in buying and how much they are willing to pay and sell those items to those players if I can make it. I know many times I've gone to the GTN and there was nothing I was after and tried asking in the trade channel and received no reply. EVE has a very good model for how a market in a thriving community could work.


Craft Listing suggestion: make it possible for crafters to be able to post a listing of all the blue and purple items they can make, sort of a portfolio if you will, in game. That would easily let other players can look at items the crafter can make and request items from the crafter. I think WoW had a method that you could link your entire selection of items you could craft as a link and someone else could open it up and look at it. Maybe add a bulletin board in fleet or somthing more high tech that would allow people to post their recipes so people could see what someone makes and contact them in game through game emails or whispers.


I think both of these would greatly help the economy in game and would make it easier for crafting to have a greater impact in the game.

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