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Light Population Mergers


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Going try to not beat the dead horse that much.


I think it is fair to say that on low population servers it is hard to enjoy everything the game has to offer. The low population servers is not Bioware fault nor the players fault, not to mention casting blame doesn't do anything.


The current solution for this problem is to just to go to another server. This solution I think is kind of unfair to those players who have played from launch when their server had a larger population and stuck with those characters.


I understand the headache legacy makes server transfers, but i think if low population servers were merged their would likely be less overlap with players having same name or legacy name. And to be honest if I got a message saying i had to rename my character and legacy because of server mergers I would be ok with that.


IIRC at the guild summit a comment was made about faction imbalance and not forcing players to play other faction because has less numbers and players should play what they want to play, which i agree with 100%. This same type of mentality I hope will be applied to the problem with low population servers, if they not going to force players to play other faction surely they wouldn't force players to start over again at year zero.


Even if mergers don't come very soon, an acknowledgement that it is an issue being addressed would be nice. I enjoy the game and like the changes/additions devs want to apply to game, but if I or any other player on a server that has less than 30 players on the fleet between the hours of 6pm-8pm est (on a east coast server) has to start again then feels like myself and other players were cheated =/.


Esp. considering when selecting server no recommended server suggestion, although to be fair i haven't read the new player guide so there could be something in there that says join a higher populatiated server. I am willing to bet that a new player would pick a light server because of the mentality "I want to complete quest w/o having to compete with other players for quest objectives or deal with kill stealing."


Just my 2 very expansive creds.

Edited by CplQ
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I personally completely agree, we desperately need some servers to be merged together. i mean when i look at the server list and see about 2/3 to even 3/4 of the servers being "light" then not only is it wasted money on Biowares part for using servers they dont even need to be, but it is also a dis-service to the fans in my opinion because we dont get the full "MMO" experience when there are barely any people on.

dont get me wrong i love this game so much and i could see myself playing it for a very long time but however, if i only see a max of maybe 50 people in the rep. fleet at any given moment on the server that i play on it really spoils alot of the the game for me.

so please people maybe if we advocate this enough and keep asking for it Bioware may listen (which they do a great job at may i add) and merge some of the servers.

Edited by fifthnarib
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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree, some of the servers are too light. I would pay to switch to a different server to have more players around. There are some instances and heroics that we're having trouble with because there's no one in our guild on and there were only 5 players on the planet Hoth last night- we could have used an extra person!
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S'zindara here, GM of the largest Empire guild on the Rwookworro server, Mortalitatem Tuam Memento. I am requesting you please merge this server. Like it has been stated numerous times above their is rarely more than 25-50 people on the imperial fleet. As a GM I hear numerous complaints about players not being able to find groups for flashpoints, pvp, and even open world quests. I have seen numerous people on my server and my guild stop playing this game soley on the grounds that the server is dead. The GTN is always barren and like the repub said before me they are non existent.


PLEASE merge us with a standard size server. Legacy sounds great as well as the rest of 1.2 but if you don't have anyone to play with whats the point.


Thank You. Still think the game is great.

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You're overlooking the people who purposely chose a lightly populated server. Maybe they prefer a more solo play-style and don't want to deal with people going ninja on clickable items.


Rather than merging the servers, I think the option to transfer to another server would work better. Those that want to move could do so and those who prefer smaller populations also get what they want. Perhaps you can transfer each character once for free, but then have to pay for additional transfers.

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I didnt chose a light populated server. It became that after people got tired of beta testing after launch. Hey though, 8 people on the repub fleet is an mmo experience right?


In all honesty its pretty sad that they havent addressed this. The asian market shouldnt get priority over us. Its there own fault they bought the game here and didnt wait for their own release. How can you justify merging/transfering ours after you deal with them. I saw it could even be months after that. Its really pathetic. Its like theyre doing everything they can to kill this game off.

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  • 1 month later...
100% Agree. I am the Guild leader of a PVE guild and while finding members four our core 8 man group is easy when it comes to 16man there's no way.... Not enough players to go around :(((( I could be moved to server "Pink Pony Dancer" for all I care i'm tired of 28 people on the fleet at almost all times!!!
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